sugar intake and yeast infections post-op
I'm glad someone got that reference!
Ontario Recipes Forum -
Have you tried acidophilus supplements? This is the good bacteria your body needs and has been my go-to for years whenever that nasty yeast rears it's ugly head (usually after a bout of antibiotics). You can buy capsules at any pharmacy or health food store.
I haven't had to use them since my surgery - so I'm not sure how easy they are on the new mini-tummy, so you might want to check with your centre. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
I had a similar issue as you. I ate too much fruit in the summer and I got a recurring yeast infection which I couldn't figure out either. My boyfriend was great and understanding about it as well. I cut back on my fruit intake and increased my yogurt intake as my doctor said yogurt helps not only yeast infections but other stomach issues as well. Now I monitor my fruits so I don't have this happen again and I'm happy to say, I haven't had a yeast infection since! But like everyone else, talk about it to your doctor as they know more about this stuff than we actually do lol. Best of luck!
Probiotics will help was talking to pharmacist about it and she said more Bactrian in the better like billions is best unless u can find one that has more . I'm having surgery nov 3 and I plan on taking them after surgery
Hw 301 Gw150 Sw Started my journey in June went to my info session then July 1st was meeting with the surgeon . Have lost 7 of my 15 I had to loose next appt is august 5 . I'm excited told me it could be as soon as 3 months .went to the docs on august 2 Nd and I lost 13 lbs . I go on September 8 th and should have a date for surgery in early October