Guelph Post-Op Class this Mon Sept 15th!

on 9/12/14 12:49 pm - St. Thomas, Canada

I'm so excited but honestly a little nervous! What all do we learn and do in the class? Will there be multiple people there like Orientation?  I heard that after the class within a few weeks you meet the surgeon and then start Optifast?

**anyone know how to change the amount of weight lost in the ticker thing? I'm not sure how!  

Thank you so much for your help! 

Guelph - Orientation: Feb 6, 2014 - First Appt w/ Nurse: April 23, 2014 - Social Work & Dietitian: April 30, 2014 - Nurse, Social Work & Dietitian: June 24, 2014 - Post Op Class: Sept 15, 2014 - Surgeon Appt: Oct 15, 2014 - Optifast Start Date: Nov 21, 2014 - Pre Op : Dec 1, 2014 - Surgery Date: Dec 12, 2014 (Dr. Jules Foute-Nelong)

Start Weight: 384lbs   Current Weight: 312.6lbs  Surgery Weight: 346.9lbs  Amount Lost: 72lbs



(deactivated member)
on 9/12/14 10:26 pm

Hi, congratulations, you are almost there!! The post op class will have about 10 or more people in it and you learn what to eat and how to eat right after surgery. They will weigh you before hand. I really enjoyed the class and it was very informative. It be could more than a few weeks however before you meet the surgeon, so try not to get your hopes up there. So its pretty straight forward, our class was fun. Good Luck !!

on 9/13/14 12:09 am

I enjoyed the post-op class, and my husband attended with me.  My post-op was first week of April, I met my surgeon May 2, started my Opti July 3, and had my surgery July 17.

Lisa J.
on 9/14/14 9:55 am
RNY on 10/23/14

I was the same, so excited knowing it was one of the final things before meeting the surgeon but also had no idea what it would be like.  It ended up being nothing to worry about.  It is a little like orientation in a classroom where spouses can also attend.  I also went through Guelph and am just about one month ahead of you so take a look at my timeline and you can kind of guess yours :)

Anyway, they told us that normally there are 5-7 people in the class so you get a good intimate setting for asking questions etc about what you can expect here on out and after surgery especially with regard to nutrition, and they give you a booklet/guidelines.  In our class there were at least twice as many people so unfortunately it felt a little rushed, however, the good news was why it was so large a class! Apparently the surgeons had completed more surgeries than expected in July so the resource nurse booking the nutrition classes didn't have enough candidates ready for the surgeons so she had double-booked the class size to have more ready to go! 

So the class is nothing to stress about, just more of an info session again and bring any questions you still have.  And if Guelph is still on the same track as one month ago for myself, it's likely only about one month till you meet your surgeon and another month till surgery.  That's before the end of the year!!!! 

Oh yeah, and offhand I believe you change your weight in your heath tracker section and it updates automatically. 

Ref:Jan20/14, Orientation (GGH):Mar20, Sleep Study:Mar22, RN:Mar24, RD/SW:Apr1, 2nd RN/RD/SW:June5, Post-Op Class:Aug18, Meet Surgeon (Dr. Reed):Sept12, PATTS:Oct1, Optifast:Oct9, Surgery:Oct23/14!!!

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