Gall bladder pain..... Is this it?
Hi everyone,
i am 4 weeks (on Monday coming) post op for the sleeve. Majority of my pain has been on my right side as that is where my stomach came out. However for the past few days I have had an annoying pain on my left side, that seems to radiate towards my belly button at times. Does this sound le the beginnings of gallbladder issues? Or any other suggestions / feedback would be appreciated.
Thanks !!
Gall bladder pain usually is on the right upper abdomen, which radiates to in between your shoulder blades. There is lots of heartburn, nausea & gas usually with it. When you have an attack (pray you don't). You think you are having the worst heart attack ever. Crushing pain.
That was my experience. Pls remember you had big surgery and things get moved around when they are working in there. It takes a bit for things to go back where they belong
Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14
HW 290 Opti Start Weight 280.9 Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207

I had my gallbladder out like 5 years before I had my sleeve, but I remember the pain of the attacks like it was yesterday. Simply put, I thought I was having a heart attack. Mine was always right in the middle of my chest and it hurt so bad I couldn't breath.
- Referal: Aug 17th 2011 Orientation:Nov ,2011 Nurse Practitioner: Dec 22nd 2011 Social Worker: Dec 22nd 2011 Nutrition Class: April 3rd, 2012 Dietitian:April 3rd, 2012 Psychologist:April 2nd, 2012
- Follow up Dietitian: November 16th 2012 Follow up Psychologist: August 28th 2012 Surgeon Meeting:Feb 17, 2012 2nd Surgeon Meeting: April 2014 VSG Surgery Date: Aug 19th 2014
Had mine out 3 yrs ago and the pain was also in the middle of the chest. I wanted to rip it out so bad...lots of pressure and so much pain I vomited almost each time I had an attack. I'm 4 weeks post op and still I get discomfort in my sides. And yes it shifts from one side to the other. My insides are having a party in there. Take care!