Hormone dumping post op rny?!!

on 9/6/14 11:17 am

Just wanted to update on how things are going.  I read the book on happiness I mentioned in the earlier post then went to the gym and did half an hour of cycling.  I feel more confident that I have the tools to deal with the feelings when and if they come up again and without turning to chips. 

Pretty sure the problem is panic attacks, I have been doing some research but will confirm with my doctor and see what she thinks.  In case anyone else is experiencing this here is a link to coping strategies:

http://psychcentral.com/lib/tips-to-cope-with-a-panic-attack /000971/3


on 9/6/14 6:01 pm

I hope you've had your session with your doctor and come to terms with your nerves, etc.

Be aware that just the activity of eating and consuming food produces serotonin in your brain, which is a very powerful sedative or soother.  No wonder we relax so much and feel so good when we eat anything.

Stay focused.

on 9/7/14 3:34 am

That is so true, I just need to find other foods that are good for me to eat when I am upset, and to not use the crutch of junk food to soothe.  I have not done so for nearly 2 months and even before that junk food was extremely rare, so it is just a matter of taking it one last step. 

Pretty sure what happened was a severe panic attacks brought on by hormonal and other changes but I am seeing my doctor tomorrow so will discuss this with her and what she would recommend.  I really hope I can manage this without more medication, but we shall see.  I may set up another appointment with my therapist for next week.  I had intended to go back to work part time next week but that may have to wait until I am a little more confident that I can deal with my emotions without having to eat foods that are not good for me. 

on 9/10/14 3:01 am

Hi, I have read all the posts here and understand the different opinions. However, I feel that yes you made a mistake. Learn from it and move on. Remember this is a long journey and it does not end. One day at a time and learn as you go. This is not easy. We get discouraged and we are here to reach out to others for help and encouragement not to accuse and be malicious to each other. Remember this is the way we got where we are. It's hard to admit you have a problem and it is a work in progress. Take one day at a time and remember why you started this journey. Feel better and seek help if you need more professional help with challenges you are having. I wish you only the best in your journey. Take care.



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