So close to goal....hard to believe.

on 9/8/14 7:39 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Thank you Kelly :)

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 9/8/14 3:45 am - Canada

Thanks for this very encouraging post. I'm going in on Oct. 10th. Hope I'm as happy as you after. Hope your last few pounds come off easy.


REF Nov 28/13. INFO Mar 10/14. SOHI Apr 11/14. R.N,DIETITIAN and DR GLAZIER Jun 23/14. SW Jul 17/14. SOHI Jul 25/14. SURGERY Oct 10/14

on 9/8/14 7:39 am - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Good luck with your surgery! I'm sure your going to do amazing!

Thank you as well :)

Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


on 9/22/14 3:12 pm

Wow!  That's amazing.  I started at 230 in Sept./2013 so it's been a year and I'm only down 53 lbs.  Any tips?


on 9/22/14 7:35 pm, edited 9/22/14 7:37 pm - Port Hope, ON, Canada
RNY on 02/11/14

Congrats on your surgery and your loss so far.

I just followed what I was told and haven't looked back!  I've only stalled twice during this time,  the first time was for about 2 weeks back in July and right now it's been about a week and a half since the scales have moved.  I weigh once a week normally. Every Wednesday morning.

I guess we all lose differently. 

What kinds of foods are you eating?  I don't eat any breads pasta or rices.  No cereal.  

Meats cheese veggies and fruit. Are my main foods.  I do have Melba toast and the odd saltine cracker with soups. Salads with a little light dressing ON THE SIDE. Yogourt.  I drink decaf coffee and tea. No cream just milk. No sugar just sweetener. Water water water. With crystal light as plain water hurts my pouch. 

I don't eat take out very often. If I do.  It's Swiss Chalet. It's a safe place for me. I feel very overwhelmed if we go elsewhere. 

If your following all the guidelines and you feel you are losing slow them maybe you need to tweak your food.  I would also talk to your dietician and see what she suggests. 

Where are you based out of?  I'm out of Humber. 

Good luck to you and thank you for the kind words! 


Referral - Oct 29/13

Info Session - Nov 18/13...1st surgeon appt - Nov 26/13...RN/SW/RD - Dec - 4/13...Dr.Glazer - Jan 8/14...2nd Surgeon appt - Jan 22/14 PATTS - Jan 29/14...

SURGERY!!!! FEBRUARY 11th 2014.


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