My first Post

(deactivated member)
on 8/30/14 1:05 am

Hi All

My name is Deep , long time reader first time poster :). I have started my process since February this year - Referral sent by GP in Feb. Orientation was done in June and i have completed all my appointments now just waiting for the sleep apnea compliance report sent to the registry so my file can go in the "rounds" and i get to meet my surgeon. I am anticipating my surgery by October "fingers crossed". So far this process has been great and OH specially Ontario forums have been so helpful , i have educated myself through these forums,youtube videos , reading books and blogs.

I have also decided to change my careerpath being involved in Logistics Industry for over 11 years to changing course and joining my brothers Financial Firm as a Mortgage agent.I am expecting a lot of changes both professionally and personally with this surgery but i believe i am ready for it. All my appointments are scheduled for TWH so if you see me around (big guy with a turban :P) you won't be able to miss  - don't be shy to say hi. I will try to post as much useful information and try to help the folks starting the process from the knowledge and experience i have gained over the course of these few months even though i believe that the veterans here have all the right answers :).


Thanks again for reading this and i look forward to be part of this growing community !




on 8/31/14 3:14 am - Canada

Welcome Deep and congrats on your choice to have WLS.  I had RNY done 4 months ago and im down 95lbs.  This was the best gift i could ever give to myself.  You seem to be moving right along with your process.  Goodluck and all the best on your journey😊  Val

Onward and

on 9/2/14 7:31 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Hey Deep, welcome...I'm sorry to see you deactivated though. Was it a mistake? If so, I hope you get your account figured out and join in the conversation here!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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