What are you doing/eating today (Saturday)

on 8/29/14 10:26 pm

Good morning.  As this is a long weekend, I may be the only one posting.  Yesterday we went to the movies and saw 22 Jump Street, laughed quite alot and it was a good night out with hubby.  Today if the weather permits we are going to a patio this afternoon to have lunch and listen to live music.  The last time I was there, I found little on the menu that I could eat, but I saw that one of their pasta dishes had turkey meatballs, so I asked for that without the pasta.  It was really good and I still had lots of leftovers. Other than that it's cleaning up around the house and laundry.

6 weeks post-op

B. Syntrax Cappuccino Protein coffee and a decaf with sweetener

S. Smoked salmon chopped up tartar style with a poached egg on top and a tablespoon of hollandaise.

L.  Maybe turkey meatballs in marinara sauce, or if they have a special I can have, maybe that.

S. another Syntrax protein coffee when I get home

D. Blackened Shrimp with leftover cheesy grits and BBQ baked beans

S. Chapmans sugar free fudgesicle, finally found these at Giant Tiger and I have been wanting one all summer.

Have a great day.

on 8/30/14 12:13 am

Weighed myself this morning and was up 3 pounds from a week ago.  I know it is normal to go up and down a little, stall etc. but it is still a upsetting. I am only 2 weeks out and my first week I lost 12 pounds.  I know you don't lose 12 pounds a week normally but I did not expect the scale to go up.  I made an appointment with my therapist to discuss this and other feelings and concerns.  I feel both excited about and terrified of the future, it is really weird. Today I will be going to the farmers market to get some local organic veggies and possibly berries if there are any. 

2 weeks post op, soft food stage

B - banana and sf almond milk protein shake, multivitamin

s - decaf protein coffee

L - beans and lf cheese with salsa, calcium

s - grape Dasani, calcium

D - piri piri chicken coldcuts on lf cheese chips with salsa

S - cf tea

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 8/30/14 6:57 am

I wouldn't worry too much Zizzler, from what I read our bodies hold onto water when we are losing weight and then just release it when the fluid balance is right.  A vet might give you a more technical term.

on 8/30/14 1:49 pm

I am not going to freak out about it, I know these things will happen, it just surprised me. :0)

on 8/30/14 7:24 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

3 lbs could be water. Or have you had a bm? Either would give you temporary weight gain. Upsetting as it is it will be temporary





on 8/30/14 1:53 pm

Its funny because my bra and pants both feel looser but the scale has gone up.  I am back on my birth control pills for the past 4 days, I wonder if that could be causing my body to adjust to the hormones.  It is so funny, I have read this same comment many times, but when it happens to you it feels different.

on 8/30/14 12:19 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning. Woke up at 5:00am thinking about work. Being off 2 weeks has been great but I know I am going back to some problems and changes. Went back to sleep at 7:30 for a while. So had breakfast at 5:30 and snack at 9:00am. My DH went out without me for the dog walk so I will need to get some steps in later. We will probably go for a bike ride later. This does not look like steps on my fitbit but will certainly be exercise.

Glad you enjoyed your movie. We were going to go to one but did not make it. I was just so tired yesterday. I have been pushing myself all week. I need to sometimes remember I am not as young as I once was.

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

s banana

l left over ribs, tomatos

s pure protein bar

d chicken, salsa, cabbage salad

s grapes

cal 941, carb 108.6, prot 78.9






on 8/30/14 7:01 am

Pat, I understand pushing the old body a bit too much.  This past week I did 4 Aquafit classes and these 58 year old muscles protested. It's nice that your DH and you go for bike rides together.  I am hoping to get my bike on the road this week.

on 8/30/14 8:01 am
RNY on 04/24/15

My 57 year old muscles and joints are constantly in a state of protest.  Please tell me they are happier after surgery...

I have a bike I bought about 4 years ago.... never used it..... I would be so happy to be able to ride again.  


on 8/30/14 12:27 pm

I can't tell if muscles get better after surgery, I'm only 6 weeks post-op and have just got the go ahead from my surgeon to exercise.  On Monday was my very first Aquafit ever.  But I can tell you since surgery I am down almost 30lbs and over 50 since last Oct.  I hope your journey takes you to where you want to be.

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