2nd round of appointments Wednesday at Guelph and I am worried

on 8/27/14 8:36 am - Kitchener, Canada

Hey everyone, I just wanted to update  you on how my  2nd round of appointment went today. I met the Nurse first...she was awesome.... I gained 6 pounds...but that is still down 5 from referral....she is waiting for a couple more blood tests to be faxed to her and then she is making a referral to the internist for me...Dr Agarwal? I think she said..I don't need to see her again....then I saw the nutritionist and we talked about the weight gain....and how I had difficulty on vacation eating healthy ..SO I do need to see her 1 more time on Oct. 15 so she can see I am back on track....I then met the SW and she was awesome....I have registered for Craving Change here in Kitchener at the Y on Thursday nights starting  Sept 18  and she was happy about that...So I don't need to see her anymore....So now I wait to get the call for my appointment with the internist...and then who knows after that what happens! I am ok waiting....this extra time gives me more time to get ready and be that much more prepared. I really appreciated all your encouragement and words of wisdom....it is so nice to have a place to come and let it all out :) 



Referral to Guelph:  January 2014 ~ Orientation Guelph: April 24.14~ Meet Nurse: June 03.14, August 28.14 ~ Meet SW: June 16.14 & Aug.28.14 & Feb.09.15   ~ Meet Dietician: June 16.14, August 28.14 & Nov.19.14~  Dec.31.14 & Feb.05.15 Meet Internist Dr Agarwal: Sept.28.14 ~ Post Op Nutrition class: March 16.2015  Meet Surgeon: April 16.15 ~ Approved for surgery: April 16.15 ~  Surgery Date: July 14.15 ~ Started Opti:  July 07.14~ Opti Starting weight: TBD~ Surgery weight: TBD ~ Goal weight: 150  


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