What are you eating/doing today? (Friday)

on 8/21/14 10:30 pm

Today will be a day of running errands and trying to clean up the house before the weekend.  Maybe a movie tonight, I'll have to see what's playing.

5 weeks post-op

B. Syntrax Cappuccino protein coffee

S. Greek 50 Yogurt Lemon

L. Refried beans, salsa, habanero shredded cheddar, low fat sour cream

S. another Syntrax protein coffee

D. Blackened red snapper, sauteed peppers, garlic mashed potatoes (1/8 cup) this is from Joey's seafood restaurant

S. 1/2 protein icecream

Have a good Friday everyone

Karen M.
on 8/21/14 11:14 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Good morning :)

I'll be doing housework for the most part too - so much fun!  Enjoy the movie tonight and let us know what you saw. I really want to see Into the Storm, don't know anyone who has seen it yet though.

Had a really nice breakfast yesterday morning with the author of a new book, "It's My Time" - a 2.5 year post-op RNY patient. The book's timeline is decision to 3 days post-op surgery - decisions, challenges, fears, joys, etc. I started reading it last night. Other than housework and gardening, have to run a couple of errands but that's about it! Not sure about plans for tonight right now. :/

8.5 years post-op

B - coffee with cream x 3 over the morning, Premier protein shake

S - 1 slice whole grain & seeds toast with a little butter, 1 scrambled egg, sliced garden tomato, 1 oz old cheddar

L - 4 oz tuna salad (tuna, mayo, onion) stuffed inside a garden long sweet pepper

S - Chike protein iced coffee, later: handful of grapes, handful of sunflower seeds

D - 3.5 oz BBQ homemade burger no bun, sliced tomato and cucumber

S - not sure yet!

Have a fabulous Friday!

Karen :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/22/14 1:27 am

Don't know if, or what the movie might be.  Hubby is very particular about no touchy, feely movies, has to have something that blows up ().  Your breakfast with the author sounds like her book offers some great insights.

Karen M.
on 8/22/14 4:34 am - Mississauga, Canada

Andrew is much the same way about movies - if its not funny, it isn't worth it. lol He really doesn't know what he is missing.

The author was kind enough to give me a copy of her book. I also purchased one from her to raffle off at our lunch in September :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/22/14 4:16 am - Ottawa, Canada

I saw "Into The Storm" a couple of weekends ago.  It was pretty good - basically an update to "Twister".    A few plot holes and "implausible" situations (like most movies), but definitely a great way to kill a few hours!

Karen M.
on 8/22/14 4:32 am - Mississauga, Canada

Didn't recognize you since you're right-side-up! lol

Thank you for the review, great to know! How about Guardians of the Galaxy, have you seen that one  



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/22/14 10:33 am - Ottawa, Canada

Had to straighten out - my vision was going blurry. ;)

Yes, I've seen Guardians of the Galaxy and it was awesome.  LOTS of fun and a great sound track.  Two thumbs up.  :)

on 8/22/14 12:04 pm

Hubby and I saw Guardians of the Galaxy a couple of weeks ago as well.  I second that it was funny, had things blowing up for hubby, and have to say the raccoon was the star.  I saw The 100 Foot Journey this week with Helen Mirren, and I really enjoyed it, it had humour, beautifully filmed and solid performances.

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