Automatic Gallbladder removal ?
Hey all ,
Hope everyone is well !
I just have a question about Gall bladder removal . In my research and reading on here , I see a lot of Gall Bladder issues after surgery . And I understand that it's common for them to arise afterwards .
I suffered a few Gall bladder attacks , first one at 16 wks pregnant ( thought I was dying and losing my baby ) ....I then went on to have a few more over the next year or so . I did see a specialist and he said my Gall bladder should probably have to come out , but at that time I was awaiting my Permanent resident card and therefore had no OHIP ..and was also on the hook for the birth of my son ( C-section as well !!) he advised me of things to steer clear of and contact him when I had health coverage.That was maybe 5 years ago now , and I never had another attack ( touch wood !) its been something that I put at the back of my mind and just got on with life .
My surgeon did ask me about Gall bladder issues , I told him the basics and he scribbled on his pad , along with everything else , and moved on . My dietician and nurse also asked and again I told them . But no-one said anything ....and its only now ...that I've read all this stuff about removals after surgery , that I'm realising I should have asked .
I have my final appointment on 10th September with Dr Klien so I will bring it up , but my question is ....will I then have to go for further tests or is what ive told him sufficient enough and he will just be thinking already that he will have a look when in there and remove it ? Or does it have to be more complex than that ?
I am having the RNY and hoping to hear on the 10th , my surgery date ....although things are not looking good ....have heard they are seriously backlogged and booking this week for April/ May :( referall was Sept 2013 ! ......Oh well ...more time to learn and read and get my mind sorted xx
Thanks peeps x
on 8/21/14 4:41 am
I'd had several attacks before surgery, so I asked my surgeon. He said to let him know if I had any right before surgery, but that he didn't normally remove the two together. I've had one attack since, but the tonic my naturopath suggested seems to be keeping them at bay (I never had attacks while on it, but had some before and after I went off it, since I stopped taking it during the Optifast stage and then forgot about it).
Referred to Guelph, Dec. 3/12. Orientation: Mar 7/13. NUT/SW/RN Jun 18/13. Nutrition Class Jul 3/13. NUT/SW/RN Aug 19/13. Post-op Nutrition Class Dec 30/13. Approval for surgery from Dr. Jules Foute Nelong Feb 10/14. Surgery Apr 23/14.
I only *wi**** had been an automatic removal at the time of my RNY. At that time, however, I didn't have any problems with it. Fast forward 2 years almost to the day, and I was on the table getting it yanked. Some surgeons in the US seem to remove it as common practice during WLS, but not so here. Definitely mention it to Dr. Klein - I'd hate to see you a couple of weeks out of WLS having issues with your gallbladder.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
I would suggest you go to your family doctor and have him send you for a ultrasound to see if you have sludge and stones. I went to mine as I was having attacks in the last year and then in December i had 2. He sent me and this is what showed. When I seen Dr Klein in January, I took the report with me and he said if you have any other attacks before your surgery let me know and we will remove it.
When I had my surgery in February, I told him I had another attack and he removed it.
I would try to have the document as word of mouth just may not be enough. And it's better to have it why not have the help to make sure it happens.
Definitely talk with your surgeon & take any reports you have with you. Mine started acting up 6 weeks post op & I was too wrapped up in my new life to pay attention. Mentioned it to Dr Hagen at my 3 mth post op appt & the wheels started turning. Just had mine out last week after 5 months of agony. One surgery is always better than 2!
Referral Summer 2012, Orientation June 10/13 HRRH, Dr Hagen July 3/13, Dr Glazer, RN/RD/SW September 19/13, Dr Hagen October 10/13, Surgery January 21/14
HW 290 Opti Start Weight 280.9 Surgery Weight 264.8 CW 207

Thanks for your replies ladies ,
And again you all make perfect sense :) I do want to avoid a second surgery , and of course , the pain and misery of attacks . It's just that it's been so long since I had one , but I should have my doc send me to have a look . I will be seeing my doc next week so I'm gonna push for this , you have helped me see that i should really.It seems almost inevitable that if I dont , I will be dealing with issues down the road .
Thanks again chickies
I had one major attack that left me bedridden for 4 days about a year before my surgery, and then a minor one 6 months later. Doctor decided to remove it, and I've had no problems since (other than my RNY/gall bladder removal surgery taking over 5 hours to perform because of complications removing the gall bladder)...
My gallbladder was out before my RNY...but my surgeon does indeed remove the gall bladder during the RNY as a matter of course. I'm sure there are exceptions but everyone I have ever talked to there was glad to have to only have the one surgery; and I would have been too, if I'd still had mine. Hope things work out for you and good luck with the surgery!