You would have gotten a list with some of the documentation. If you can't find liquid multivitimins, you can take chewables. You will also need to take B12, preferable in strips or sublingual. You may or may not need iron, you'll find out. You will need to make sure that your multi has enough iron in it to meet WLS needs. If you take iron, you'll need vit. c as well.
Hi Cathy,
When I did my blood work I was told I needed to take iron, vitamins D and C as I was deficient in all 3 and I needed to get my levels up prior to surgery. I have been taking vitamin D liquid drops, C chewable and iron pill plus a prenatal which I always take just because it has everything. I'm just wondering what else I'll need in addition to those
I was told liquid OR chewable vitamins were both fine for the immediate weeks post-op. As a side note, I was also told, in no uncertain terms, that any of the gummy vitamins contained too much sugar and other fillers and to stay away from them.
In Ottawa, we were given a list of approved brands and types. It was our 'shopping list' so to speak. And I talked to the dietitian/nutritionist about what I needed to take. So I took the following immediately post-op:
- Centrum Chewable Orange Multivitamin -- 2 per day, available at Walmart in the USA, not in Canada (I can still take this at 6 mos. post-op); many Canadians take the Centrum Silver Chewable and that does the job just fine.
- Webber Naturals chewable vitamin B12 -- 1 per day, available at many stores in Canada
- Bariatric Advantage Calcium Citrate 500 chews -- 1500-2000 mg per day, available through ordering at or from the Bariatric Advantage website
After a couple of weeks, I began to add the following (as recommended):
- Webber Naturals vitamin D -- 2000 iu, available in Canada (or any of the other various brands, as long as I take 2000 iu per day)
- Iron (because I'm always super low) + vitamin C chewable -- right before bed to maximize absorption
- my regular prescriptions
- a prescription PPI (for me, Lansoprazole) to help with stomach acid -- many of us have this issue and my doc prescribes a PPI for a minimum of 12 months post-op to ensure no damage occurs to our new tummies
- other, as needed items to help my digestion and to keep my bowels moving! Many of us have trouble with that and some of the remedies I've seen that work are: Milk of Magnesia, Docusate Sodium or other stool softeners, Miralax, Senakot or Senna pills or other pill form laxatives, smooth move tea, inulin fibre, Metamucil, and probiotics. It's totally trial and error, but one piece of advice, DO NOT WAIT or you'll find yourself in an emergency room dealing with impaction. Not fun.
That's a pretty accurate list for me personally. But everyone is different and I would suggest that you talk to your centre to find out what is the absolute best regime for you.
Wishing you luck as you get everything prepared!
OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
HEIGHT: 5'5" HW 303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle
on 8/20/14 11:53 pm - Canada
I use Unjury multi vitamins chewable because it has all you need and I do not ahve to take any extra iron. 1 pill a day made especially for bariatric surgery patients.
I also use the unjury calcium citrate chewables.
you have to order them online though as they are not sold in Canada.
FYI - the protein is awesome also.
I am using the unjury products too. They seem to have everything and it is a quality vitamin.
Referral from Family Doctor - November 4/13 | Orientation date for HRRH - January 9/14 | 1st meeting with surgeon - January 30/14 | Dietician, Registered Nurse, Social Worker Appointments – Feburary 10/14 | Second Dietician - March 11/14 | Dr Glazer - March 20/14 | Sleep Test - March 24/14 | Sleep Test Results - April 15/14 | 2nd Surgeon Appointment - May 13/14 | PATTS - September 30/14 | Surgery Date - October 21/14
The Opurity vitamins from Unjury have no sugar alcohols and no ingredients from China. The concern with ingredients from China is that some of them are not being absorbed by weight loss surgery patients. Most vitamin manufacturers are using the ingredients from China because they are so much cheaper.
A bargain is only a bargain if it works for you. Your labs will determine what supplements you need. I was post-menopausal and did not need iron. Six years later my iron levels dropped and now I am taking it.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends