New Member! In Ontario considering going to Montreal....

on 8/18/14 7:13 am - Bowmanville, Canada

Hi all, I am SO great full to have found this site...

I am in Ontario and considering going the private sector to having weight loss surgery.  I am curious to see if anyone out there has done this and what the experience was like.  I have my consult via phone at 730 tonite with the Dr.  to learn more.  I have read and watched and researched I am over loaded with info and I know that this is the rite thing to do for myself but I am not sure waiting for a year or more to have it done in Ontario is rite confused...anything anyone can offer will be SO appreciated...thxs for reading 

on 8/18/14 9:08 am - Montreal, Canada

Hi, I am from Montreal and have researched both the private and public sector bariatric services here. Dr Christou is a very competent surgeon in Mtl that works in private sector and  at least one other bariatric md at Rockland md is in the private sector. Both perform lap band, vertical sleeve and RNY but not DS. If I recall the prices ranged between $18 000.00 - $20 000.00 and the waiting time is about 6 wks. You can look them both up online.  I have chosen to go the public sector route because the wait time is much much shorter than it was previously, about 1-1.5 yrs and they offer longterm follow-up care and support which is why I chose to go the public route.

Good luck to you in your journey

on 8/18/14 9:17 am

I am in the Ottawa area and went the self pay route.  I went with Dr. Christou in Montreal and was very happy with the entire process.   I had the VSG and have not had any complications and have been losing weight well.  My blood pressure is normal now (it was quite high even with meds before.)   If you have any specific questions feel free to PM me. 

For me it was worth it to go this route and Dr Christou is definitely a great choice.

on 8/18/14 10:04 am

Keep in mind that each person is assessed on an individual basis. Some have a very long wait, others do not. My referral was faxed Jan 25th, surgery was June 28th! Only 5 months! While I was not as heavy as some I went through amazingly fast. I began my journey at 235 lb, with high bp, high cholesterol, diabetes. Also very important to consider is the aftercare. They hold your hand throughout the whole process and are available immediately if you need help, or in case of a medical emergency. Ive been told that not alot of surgeons want to touch another doctors work. Montreal is pretty far to travel to if you needed to see someone right away, not to mention costly. Plus the process takes time to make sure WLS is right for you. All the best to you in what you choose


on 8/18/14 11:39 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Wait times vary depending on your centre and pure luck it seems. Some get through in no time, others have to wait much longer.  I went through TWH and received the Orientation letter on August 27 last year and had surgery on August 11, so just under a year for me.  I won't lie, the waiting sucked and I felt like my life was on hold for the past few months, but it's over now and I am glad.

good luck with your decision.

on 8/19/14 1:49 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 02/03/14

Hi,  This is my opinion and not meant to offend anyone.  I know the wait for surgery can feel very long but in that time you are seen by doctors, nutritionists, social workers, dietitians, nurses, etc to make sure you are both physically and emotionally ready for everything that goes along with this type of life changing surgery.  I found by waiting and going through the process it gave me time to get ready - learning about my eating habits, what emotional baggage has added pounds to my body, starting to eat better while I learn, making myself more active to help in the long run, etc. I know going the route of private sector the wait for surgery is less but is the before and after care as good?  Also I don't understand why would anyone want to pay for a surgery that you can get through OHIP at no charge.

Everyone has to make the decision that is right for them, just make sure you think carefully about everything before making the final choice.

Good luck and take care.



Orientation March 13, 2013 / Social Worker June 11 / Nurse Practitioner July 10 / Nutrition class, Blood, ECG Aug. 20 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Penner Sept. 20 / CT Scan Oct. 10 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Urbach Oct. 18 / Psychologist Oct. 30 / Nutritionist Oct. 30 / Dr. Urbach Dec. 13 / PAATS Jan. 24 / Surgery February 3, 2014    


on 8/19/14 4:47 am - Peterborough, Canada

I agree with Holly.  I was looking at going through the self pay route to get my surgery done.  ( I am schedule for Oct 21)  But as much as the wait sucks it has been a good time for some self reflection and looking at your current situation.  It has become a real educated decision to do this surgery.  It is a huge life changing deal and not a quick fix knee jerk reaction.  

It also helps you get into habitual routines like taking your vitamins and supplements everyday.  My thought is that it is best to do it now before you have to do it.

That is just my two cents.


Referral from Family Doctor - November 4/13  |  Orientation date for HRRH - January 9/14  |  1st meeting with surgeon - January 30/14  |  Dietician, Registered Nurse, Social Worker Appointments – Feburary 10/14 | Second Dietician - March 11/14 | Dr Glazer - March 20/14 | Sleep Test - March 24/14 | Sleep Test Results - April 15/14 | 2nd Surgeon Appointment - May 13/14 | PATTS - September 30/14 | Surgery Date - October 21/14

on 8/19/14 10:06 am - Bowmanville, Canada

Thank you all for the responses, I read each one more then once to make sure I got every little bit out of all your posts so that I truly could take them in to helping with my considerations.   I appreciate the time you all took.  I had a wonderful chat with the Dr. Christou in Montreal last night and I am feeling very positive on how it was all handled.  

Now to reflect, think and make decisions....but did want to thank you all in the meantime...due take care and I am so glad I came across this forum😃.  Cheers.

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