HRRH dates. ..

on 8/18/14 3:42 am - North York, Canada

Kinda sucks..i called Dr Huynh office today to ask approximate dates for surgery. ..apparently him and another surgeon there are waiting for dates from the hospital but receptionist says probably Nov and Dec... im going to see him tomorrow morning maybe he will have a better timeline ...anyone else hear anything regarding dates?

on 8/18/14 3:54 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Hey Mellabella ,

Is Dr Huynh Iin the same office as Dr Klien ? I have a feeling he is just because when I called for my final appointment the receptionist asked me if he was my surgeon and I said no it was Klien ........could be wrong .....but anyway ...I just wanted to say that if it is the same office then your info makes me happier !! When we called the receptionist at that point was 'guestimating ' surgeries in the new year . So maybe some things have changed ! Really hope so final appointment is in a couple weeks . 

Good luck tomorrow and keep us posted .

Jax xx


on 8/18/14 4:00 am - North York, Canada

Hi Jax

Yes they are in the same office...and im really hoping for October lol but yes i will keep everyone posted and any info i get tomorrow i will post :) 

on 8/18/14 4:09 am - Canada
RNY on 08/14/15

I have a friend who's surgeon is Dr. Klein and she got her surgery date on Tuesday of last week... She was booked for March of next year.

Ref. Apr 30/14, Orientation HRRH Aug 25/14, Transfer to TWH Oct 21/14, Sleep Study Nov 20/14, SW Nov 28/14, Nut. Class Dec 8/14, NP Dec 15/14, Psych. Jan 13/15, Nut. Jan 15/15, CPAP Titra Jan 16/15, NP F/U Jan 19/15, NP F/U2 Feb 24/15, NP F/U3 Mar 24/15, Surgeon May 29/15, Opti July 25/15, Pre-Op July 30/15, Surgery Aug 14/15

on 8/18/14 4:11 am - North York, Canada

Wow thats far away... i guess maybe he's busier ... apparently they have to accommodate for vacation time

on 8/18/14 5:57 am, edited 8/18/14 5:57 am - Peterborough, Canada

I am schedule with DR Klien for surgery on October 21st and that was booked about 3 months ago... still two more months to go... waiting sucks but we all have to do it.

Referral from Family Doctor - November 4/13  |  Orientation date for HRRH - January 9/14  |  1st meeting with surgeon - January 30/14  |  Dietician, Registered Nurse, Social Worker Appointments – Feburary 10/14 | Second Dietician - March 11/14 | Dr Glazer - March 20/14 | Sleep Test - March 24/14 | Sleep Test Results - April 15/14 | 2nd Surgeon Appointment - May 13/14 | PATTS - September 30/14 | Surgery Date - October 21/14

on 8/18/14 6:01 am - Canada

I spoke to Dr. Huynh's assistant this morning and was told she is booking for October surgeries.  However, Dr. Klein and Dr. Hagan are so booked up that they are booking for April / May 2015 for their patients.  I am so glad I am seeing Dr. Huynh only problemI can't get any cancellations for Dr. Glazer which is on Dec. 2nd but I am seeing Dr. Huynh on Dec. 4  to purchase my Opti.  I am hoping for a cancellation so I can have surgery in October.

on 8/18/14 6:09 am - North York, Canada

Oh wow that sounds positive :) ya dr Glazer took forever i tried and tried but just ended up waiting lol so you know someone who has October with him?

on 8/18/14 6:18 am - Canada

I don't know anyone who is having surgery in October with Dr. Huyhn.  His assistant told me today she is now booking for October surgeries.  Ask for his assistant not the receptionist

on 8/18/14 7:26 am - Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

Aww man ! Im so bummed out now ! Lol 


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