Weight loss is it too fast
Wow that awesome I had the sleeve on the 23 of last month and had my first appointment today im already down 22lbs. But one thing, I am very surprise your already having yogurt. I live in NY and here after surgery you have to be on Clear liquids for 2 weeks then they advance you to pureed( yougurt, pudding, oatmeal, applesauce, pureed meat, veggies etc.) I Have a scale on my house but I've kept my word when I said I wouldn't go on it. It becomes addicting. I think your doing a amazing job, just remember to take a slow and remember its just a # if you keep doing ur diet and once they give you the ok to do more exercise then your going to be great. That's what I'm waiting for, the ok to do more exercise cuz i dont want so much excess skin.
Here in Ontario, Canada, we have weight loss centres that people are assigned to. The immediate post-op diet is different for many. Some are more cautious than others and I admire those who stick to their own plan in the days immediately post-op.
It sounds like you are doing a GREAT job so far - good for you! I hope that you are feeling great too.
P.S. Sorry to burst a bubble, but no matter what exercise you do post-op will NOT diminish excess skin. It is SKIN, not muscle. It is stretched and dead. Sad, I know. Exercise is GREAT for the muscles that lie beneath. The excess skin - NO. Sorry.
Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/
There is no such problem as losing too fast. Rapid weight loss does not last so take advantage of it and lose as much as you can. Just make sure you are getting your fluids and protein in.
I got addicted to my scale. I loved looking at it as the pounds went down. Many times I weighed two, three or more times a day. It was like I wanted to be sure it was really telling me the truth. In truth I loved looking at the low numbers.
I think that is part of the fun of having surgery and would never suggest someone deny themselves the fun of watching the scale go down.
Now I am a slave to the scale, because I do not want to gain weight back. Getting on that scale every morning keeps me always aware of my weight. I had one period where I put the scale away for three months and only weighed at the doctor's office. I gained nine pounds during that three months and never got them back off.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Just relax and enjoy it. It will slow down eventually. It's often very quick at first - was for me. That's kind of how this surgery works - you drop a whole lot of weight quickly while getting used to some food rules that you need to follow in the long term, and then it slows down after a while as you get closer to where you want to be.
Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011 Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012 Surgery: Nov 7, 2012
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Thank you everyone,
i am working on my fluids and protein intake. I am drinking premier protein I hate it but I'm doing it yesterday I finally got one whole shake in plus my water plus a 1/4 cup of cream soup. This morning I'm trying oatmeal with added protein so in total the oatmeal will have about 6g of protein and then I will work on getting in a premier protein shake so another 30g plus whatever I get in from dinner and hopefully a small bit of yogurt before bed.
i did find some protein tablets that have 6g of protein for each serving I am thinking about getting those because I can't stand the shakes and it would save me from having to get two shakes in a day if I took the tablets 4 times a day.