Can't keep food/liquid down (this post is a little gross)
A few days ago I started to struggle with keeping things down, no matter how slow I go. I had RNY about 5 weeks ago.
I have started to lots of small burps followed by clear slime & white foam. Today the gas pains became really bad, they start behind my breasts & work their way down. I'm concerned because I'm getting next to nothing in right now. I have to go back to work on Monday - and I'm starting to get very anxious.
I've put in a call to my regular doc to see if there is anything I can take to help.
Has anyone else experienced this?
Referral: Jun. 11/13; Orientation: Jul. 24/13; SW/NP/Dietician: Nov. 2013. Sleep test Dec. 2014. Sleep apnea diagnosis Feb. 2014. 2nd sleep test Mar. 2014. Psychiatrist follow-up Mar. 2014. Approved by local centre Apr. 2014. Sleep apnea follow-up May 2014. OTN apt with Dr. Sullivan Jun. 5/14. Surgery July 7, 2014.

I haven't had any issues myself (6 months out yesterday) but from what your describing I'm wondering if you could have a stricture? Why would you call your regular doctor? You need to be putting a call into your surgeon or bariatric center!
I would be calling right away. You don't want to end up dehydrated and sick.
Get some help! Hope you feel better really soon.
Thanks! I am waiting for a call back from my clinic.
Referral: Jun. 11/13; Orientation: Jul. 24/13; SW/NP/Dietician: Nov. 2013. Sleep test Dec. 2014. Sleep apnea diagnosis Feb. 2014. 2nd sleep test Mar. 2014. Psychiatrist follow-up Mar. 2014. Approved by local centre Apr. 2014. Sleep apnea follow-up May 2014. OTN apt with Dr. Sullivan Jun. 5/14. Surgery July 7, 2014.

This is sounding oh so familiar to me at the same stage you were at.
I had a stricture - I'd bet cash money you do too. There is nothing you can take to help this, you need to be seen by your surgeon and have an endoscopy arranged to fix this. They do the endoscopy and insert a little balloon device to stretch it back out to where it should be, so you can eat/drink.
Please get this looked at. Now.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
Thanks Karen, I will. Still haven't heard from my clinic. Going to call my surgeon's office now. Will keep you posted.
Referral: Jun. 11/13; Orientation: Jul. 24/13; SW/NP/Dietician: Nov. 2013. Sleep test Dec. 2014. Sleep apnea diagnosis Feb. 2014. 2nd sleep test Mar. 2014. Psychiatrist follow-up Mar. 2014. Approved by local centre Apr. 2014. Sleep apnea follow-up May 2014. OTN apt with Dr. Sullivan Jun. 5/14. Surgery July 7, 2014.

Please do. I have funny (to me) photos of my endoscopy showing my stoma completely closed (how the hell was food supposed to get down there?) and then after they fixed it. I found these photos the other day and it made me laugh. And grateful I knew enough to do something about it.
Ontario Recipes Forum -
So I went to ER. My surgeon ordered at ct scan. They didn't see anything. My pain, nausea & dehydration got worse. They admitted me & started anti nausea, gas meds, & fluids. I had 4 beautiful hours of sleep! The local ER surgeon hete is endoscoping me in the morning.
A very sincere thank you to everyone who offered advice or even felt concern just reading this post. I am beyond grateful. My husband is too!
Referral: Jun. 11/13; Orientation: Jul. 24/13; SW/NP/Dietician: Nov. 2013. Sleep test Dec. 2014. Sleep apnea diagnosis Feb. 2014. 2nd sleep test Mar. 2014. Psychiatrist follow-up Mar. 2014. Approved by local centre Apr. 2014. Sleep apnea follow-up May 2014. OTN apt with Dr. Sullivan Jun. 5/14. Surgery July 7, 2014.

So glad to hear from you! I am relieved to hear that you have an endoscopy scheduled in the morning. Best wishes to you and keep us posted!
Ontario Recipes Forum -
Just got out of the scope. It is a stricture. They're consulting my surgeon in TO now.
Referral: Jun. 11/13; Orientation: Jul. 24/13; SW/NP/Dietician: Nov. 2013. Sleep test Dec. 2014. Sleep apnea diagnosis Feb. 2014. 2nd sleep test Mar. 2014. Psychiatrist follow-up Mar. 2014. Approved by local centre Apr. 2014. Sleep apnea follow-up May 2014. OTN apt with Dr. Sullivan Jun. 5/14. Surgery July 7, 2014.