What are you eating/doing today (Monday)

on 8/10/14 8:10 pm

RNY  5 Years 4 Months Post Op


Made it to the semi-finals in the matches this weekend....incredible considering I am tired, cranky and my foot has not improved in 11 days.  Finals are next weekend so am hoping I am rested and recovered.  Going to a walk in clinic today to hopefully get it x-rayed and see if anything can be done.  Need groceries and a meeting at the hospital with the doctors re family members ....hopefully tonight at the hospital.

STEPS - 12780


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

    Premier protein shake


L - panko crusted tillapia

    couple of slices of tomatoes fresh from the garden....they are so sweet this year


S - 3 wasa with 1/2 cup of shredded habanero


D - 2 thick slices of Cdn bacon with 2 poached eggs

     1.5 cups of kale salad


S - 1 Source dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,209,  Carbs - 76 Grams,  Fat - 62 Grams,  Protein - 86 Grams


All water and vits.....more decaf coffee

Have a great one  







on 8/10/14 8:42 pm

Wow Barb, congratulations on making it to the semi-finals, especially with an injury.  Had a good time at Bluesfest this past weekend.  After the horrid winter we had, sitting in the sun and listening to live music was heaven.  I seem to be having some sort of fluid retention issue.  My eyes are very swollen above and below the eye, not pretty.  Today we have workmen in finishing cabinets and some deliveries, so I have to stay around the house all day.  

3 weeks post-op full fluids

B. Protein coffee

S. 1 Greek Yogurt

L. Mushroom and spinach soup

S. 1 Greek Yogurt

D. Bean with Bacon soup run through the blender

S. The last of the chocolate protein icecream

Have a good day everyone

on 8/10/14 8:50 pm

thanks Crqvingchange....

The past weekend weather was the best of the summer so far....good you were able to enjoy some of it.....hopefully your swollen eyes are just a result of more salt then usual....your menu looks great!






on 8/10/14 9:30 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

14 months post op

steps 13583


Good morning,

Barb Congrats on the semi finals! Hopefully it will be a restful week for you so you are fresh for next weekend. Hope the toes feel better.

Blues Fest, what a great way to spend a summer weekend :)

I got nothing today, off to work soon.


B- protein coffee, small banana w/ 1 tbls peanut butter

S- 1 cup homemade protein shake

L- Cloverleaf snack size tuna ( garlic and hot peppers) 3 melba, sliced cucumber

D- 3 oz chicken breast, 1/2 cup sweet kale salad

S- 1 source yogurt, tea

Be well everyone








Karen M.
on 8/11/14 12:36 am - Mississauga, Canada

Tanya, how's the new job going?



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/11/14 11:03 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Karen, new job is good. I am enjoying it alot. Thank you for asking :)







on 8/11/14 12:12 am - Toronto, Canada

Good morning, 

Had a wonderful weekend visiting my friend who just moved back to her hometown of Kingsville. Went to Pelee Island Winery for a picnic lunch. It was yummy. Cheese, meats, olives, couscous etc. I did a bit of wine tasting, but had just completed a 26k run, so it was not sitting well with my anyway. 

Then we took the scenic route home to Toronto and my legs felt like led when I got out of the car. We went for a walk. Came home and looked at my steps. 35,052 total. LOL I was one tired girl and asleep by 9:30. 

Ran 8+k this morning, and i'm eating out for every meal today, because I forgot to bring food.  At least I have quest bars with me. So there's a snack.

I have my second-last mindful eating course tonight. I've been enjoying it! Have a great day all!

Congrats on your tourney barb!

At least I have quest bars here. I 

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

Karen M.
on 8/11/14 12:34 am - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

I had such a nice weekend that I sort of hated waking up to "Monday" this morning. No "must-do"s today other than a few calls, salsa making, and the usual garden duties - I've surprised myself with how much I've loved gardening this summer. I always plant a few things but this year I've really gotten into it (and have been greatly enjoying the "spoils of my labour" with an incredible tomato, hot and sweet pepper, and herb crop not to mention how well my perennials have bloomed) - I don't even mind weeding. lol

Barb, congratulations on making the semi-finals, that is awesome! It is no surprise, however, that your foot has not healed as you have not sat and rested since it happened. I suspect you won't like the news they give you at the clinic ;)  I hope things go well with your meeting tonight - I know how stressful it is when family is not well. Take care. xo

8 years post-op

B - coffee with cream x 3 over the morning, source greek 0% (this is really good)

S - Chike protein iced coffee, later: handful of grapes (I think I'm addicted to these, keep them hidden in the fridge lol), a few almonds

L - whole wheat tortilla stuffed with 3 oz chicken, cucumbers, tomato, red onion, Havarti, tzatziki

S - source greek 0%

D - homemade burger all the fixings no bun, Caesar salad

Have a great day everyone!




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/11/14 1:13 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Congrats on the semi final. It is amazing how well you did considering your injury. I hope this week you can get some rest.

Had a good visit with possibly my son's future in-laws. Boy does it get cold at night outside Toronto. We had a fire but my back and rear froze. Good reminder to take some warm clothes camping next week.

Back to better eating this week. The weekend was not the best.

b greek yogurt, granola, reaspberries

s cauliflower/carrtos, hummus

l chili, desert yogurt

s grapes

d steak, salad

laughing cow, melba toast

cal 947,carb 95.8, prot 69.8





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