
on 8/10/14 2:30 am

So after almost 4 weeks I've hit my first nemesis - boiled eggs = discomfort filled by vomiting.  Since the middle do week 2 I've been able to tolerate scrambled eggs in the microwave and egg salad so this reaction was unexpected.  Are there any other style eggs I should avoid?  I would really like to prevent this from happening again.

Karen M.
on 8/10/14 2:48 am, edited 8/10/14 2:48 am - Mississauga, Canada

Eggs and I had a terrible break-up after surgery. It's only in the last couple of years that we've reconciled. Difficulties with eggs prepared in any way post-op is quite common. The whites of fried eggs still occasionally don't sit well so I pretty much avoid them. The yolks don't seem to bother me at all (now).  



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 8/10/14 5:26 am - Arnprior, Canada

Eggs tend to be a dry food, so that's probably why you are having a hard time with them (I still do at times).  Try a sauce, or something like salsa mixed in.  It might help.



on 8/10/14 7:45 am

I love poached eggs they seem to slide down quit easily.  And if you put them on a slice of toast they are yummy.  Poached are my favorited as fried eggs are a bit to dry and the hard boiled eggs are just for tossing at someone lol.

My 2 eggs worth


on 8/10/14 7:55 am - Canada

I soft boil my eggs 4 min. and have had no problems . I'm almost 4 wks. post op.

on 8/10/14 9:01 am, edited 8/10/14 9:02 am - Marmora, Canada

I like then scrambled with a dribble of milk and I add 1.5 tbsp of unflavoured protein powder whip it up and fry them with a very little butter.

on 8/10/14 12:22 pm - Canada

Almost 11 months out and I still can't tolerate them, pre op I loved them and wish I could still eat them but I've tried several ways...... No eggs for me either

 Respectfully Jane
on 8/10/14 10:36 pm - Canada

It's funny how everyone is different.  I've had one egg a day for breakfast since I could start having poached eggs.  I either have scrambled, omelette or fried- all with Pam.  My big problem is white milk, 1% variety- I can't touch the stuff anymore after 2 glasses a meal prior to the surgery...




Started Optifast April 8, 2014, and had surgery May 6, 2014 @ St. Joe's, Toronto, Dr. Lindsay

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