What are you eating/doing today (Saturday)

on 8/8/14 9:23 pm

RNY  5 Years 4 Months post Op


Nothing on my agenda today other then hospital visits and cooking dinner. I am really beat and looking forward to a lot of sitting today.

STEPS - over 12,000 each of the past 3 days  - limping and all


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 2 ham and pickle roll ups


S - 3 wasa with 1/2 cup of shredded habanero


D -1.5 cups of sweet kale salad

      4.5 oz beef tenderloin

     1/2 small baked potato


S - 1 S/F fudgesicle

     1 Source dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL Totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,190,  Carbs - 82 Grams,  Fat - 47 Grams,  Protein - 114 Grams


All water and vits....more decaf coffee

Have a great one  






on 8/8/14 9:32 pm - Canada
RNY on 12/10/13

So nice to come on here and see you track and plan every day.  Thank you for posting.  It is always an inspiration to come on and see what everyone else is doing.

   RNY  - December 10 2013 Dr Lindsay Toronto's Saint Joseph Hospital Toronto

Karen M.
on 8/9/14 12:41 am - Mississauga, Canada

Feel free to join in! It's so helpful to have people at all stages posting for others to read and learn. It's also an opportunity to ask for/receive guidance with your menu as you progress.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/8/14 9:44 pm, edited 8/8/14 9:44 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

14 months post op

steps 13657

Good morning,

Welcome back Barb! How was the tournament? Have a good rest day.

How are the toes feeling? Better I hope :)

Not much going on for me today, doggie walk soon and then off to work for a 10 hr shift.  A little grocery shopping after work today and thats it.

Thanks for the input on my water question yesterday ladies!


B- 4 oz skim milk, small banana w 1 tbls peanut butter

S- quest bar

L- 3 oz chicken breast w/ 1/3 cup sweet kale salad

D- 1 egg muffin w/ 2 sl turkey bacon

S- tea, 1 source yogurt

Be well everyone,








on 8/9/14 12:08 am

Good morning everyone.  Sorry I have not been posting the past couple of days.  Thursday was a full day of appointments in Guelph.  Everything is looking good, I am down 18 lbs since my surgery on July 17.  I have been cleared to start taking vitamins but stay off my script meds for now.  Yesterday hubby and I went to the beach.  I absolutely loved it and I felt so much better without needing a nap once, definitely got my vitamin D in.  Today we are going downtown for the Bluesfest, so more sun and free live music, summer I love you.

Barb you deserve to have some sitting time and rest that foot.  Tanya, I struggle with plain water too.  When I asked the NUT on Thursday, she seemed puzzled by this.

3 weeks post-op full fluids

B.  1 iced Syntrax Cappucino made with milk

S. 1 Greek 50  yogurt

L.  I am going to pack more yogurt for Bluesfest, but if there is some yummy soup at one of the vendors I will opt for that

S. more Greek Yogurt

D. soup of some kind

S. maybe protein icecream when I get home, have a chocolate one in the freezer.

Barb where do you buy your sugar free fudgesicles?  Zehrs used to carry the Chapmans ones, but I am not seeing them.  Have a good Saturday everyone

on 8/8/14 11:57 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Welcome back Barb. Hope the tournament went well.

Had fun last night moving to the band. The music was great and the band got a lot of great feed back. Hopefully they will get people out to their gig tonight.

My son lives with a woman. Her parents have invited us for dinner tonight. They live out of the city so we will be staying over night. They are big drinkers. I think this is one of the reasons my son suggested no alcohol for August. I am a little nervous since we hardly know them.

I am off for a walk with the dog shortly. After the dog park I will hit Cobb's bakery and the liquor store  to take something with us. The smells from Cobb's drives me crazy.

So my menu today is short since I have no idea what I will be eating once we get there. I am taking some protein bars to have if I need them.

b 2 eggs weigh****chers muffin

l greek yogurt, fruit, granola

After this I have no idea. Have a good weekend everyone





Karen M.
on 8/9/14 12:32 am - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

Had my response typed and it got lost before I could hit submit - oops! Barb, glad to see you back and I really hope your toes are starting to heal up for you; a day of sitting sounds like a good idea!

Pat, I would be not-really-happy about having to go and spend the night at someone's house that I didn't really know very well - anxiety! You're a thoughtful mom!

Not entirely sure what I'm up to day - lots of ideas I'll just have to wait for a bit to see how it plays out. A trip up to camp for the day/night is on the table and you all know how much I *love* sleeping on an air mattress on the ground. Good thing I enjoy the company and the rest of the "stuff" we do while there.

Anyway... eats for today:

8 years post-op

B - coffee with cream over the morning, source 0% greek (really delicious)

S - Premier protein shake

Brunch - crustless quiche, 2 perogies,  onions/bacon mix

S - 2 oz cheddar, a few crackers, 2 oz sliced up Sikorski sausage on the BBQ, pickle

D - BBQ sausage, cob of corn, garden salad with a little dressing, pickled beets

S - not sure at this point

I hope everyone has a splendid Saturday!

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 8/9/14 2:27 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I now put a thin air mattress on a cot. Much easier to get up from and more comfortable. I sleep great on it. I have met these people briefly and they seem nice so here goes





Karen M.
on 8/9/14 7:03 am - Mississauga, Canada

To be honest, Pat, the three times I have been camping this season = the three best sleeps I've had in YEARS. Must be all the fresh air and **** LOL The air mattress is good quality and I haven't had too many aches and pains in complaint. I do, however, take exception to having to walk down the road to a bathroom. LOL



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

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