WooHoo! Referral Received and Information Session Booked!
Hi Deb, My doctor's secretary told me she faxed the referral July 5th. As far as I know my doctors office never did end up getting any kind of confirmation. The "booking line" phone number that Wes gave me a couple weeks ago, is the same number that I had to call to confirm my attendance at the information meeting. Maybe you could try that number... I could only ever leave a message there. Not sure if that prompted my call back or not, because it was at least a week prior that I called them. 416-747-3879. Hope you hear soon!
Hey Judy I'll see you there that's my orientation date too !! They are very slow about letting you know that your referral has been received we sit here nail biting thinking our referral has been lost or something then out of nowhere you get the info. I called and emailed I'm not sure it did anything either but I have my date so now I have to wait for it to arrive :-)

Referral May 14th/14, HRRH Orientation Aug/18th/14, Surgeon (Dr.Starr) Appt Nov/28th/14, Clinic Nurse,Social Worker, Dietitian Dec/15th/14, Dr.Glazer Feb/5th/15, OptiFast Feb/16th/15, PATTS Feb/17th/15, Surgery March 2nd/15 HW 230, SW 202, CW 130
Hi everyone - My referral was sent April 30, 2014 and I got my orientation date in and around July 17, 2014. Hang in there!

Ref. Apr 30/14, Orientation HRRH Aug 25/14, Transfer to TWH Oct 21/14, Sleep Study Nov 20/14, SW Nov 28/14, Nut. Class Dec 8/14, NP Dec 15/14, Psych. Jan 13/15, Nut. Jan 15/15, CPAP Titra Jan 16/15, NP F/U Jan 19/15, NP F/U2 Feb 24/15, NP F/U3 Mar 24/15, Surgeon May 29/15, Opti July 25/15, Pre-Op July 30/15, Surgery Aug 14/15
I am so happy for you Judy thats awesome!
I was told by my doctor that I would be refered to Humber, and they would be in contact with me Referral date: June 26, 2014. But last Thursday I received a letter saying Next Steps: Educational Orientation Session and they have the date of Oct 22 at Toronto Western. Is this the same information session your talking about? I am so clueless with this and I feel lost. Please help :)
Thanks B...