Not sure what's next...

on 8/5/14 4:48 am - St. Thomas, Canada

I've been to a few appointments and had all the tests so far and I was curius what could be next? This is what I've finished so far...

Orientation Feb 6, 2014

Nurse April 23, 2014

Dietitian & Social Work April 30, 2014

All 3 June 24, 2014

All 3 Aug 13, 2014

I've had the blood work,  ultrasound, and sleep test...

My last appointment in June the dietitian thought I may have sugery in the fall but the nurse said in the new year (this ws a different nurse then who I saw first)


Anyone know what may be next?

Guelph - Orientation: Feb 6, 2014 - First Appt w/ Nurse: April 23, 2014 - Social Work & Dietitian: April 30, 2014 - Nurse, Social Work & Dietitian: June 24, 2014 - Post Op Class: Sept 15, 2014 - Surgeon Appt: Oct 15, 2014 - Optifast Start Date: Nov 21, 2014 - Pre Op : Dec 1, 2014 - Surgery Date: Dec 12, 2014 (Dr. Jules Foute-Nelong)

Start Weight: 384lbs   Current Weight: 312.6lbs  Surgery Weight: 346.9lbs  Amount Lost: 72lbs



on 8/5/14 4:51 am - St.Thomas, Canada

It's funny that we live in the same city and you are going thru guelph and I am going thru Hamilton! Lol 

on 8/5/14 5:03 am - Oshawa, Canada

You still need to meet with your surgeon. Depending on how long you have to wait for that it is hard to say when your surgery will be. Hopefully it will be this year!

HRRH -Orientation Nov  25, Dr. Sohi Jan 17, RN,SW,Dietician Feb 19, Dr Glazer Mar 5, Dr Sohi March 12. Surgery May 28th



(deactivated member)
on 8/5/14 5:17 am

The New Year sounds about right... I was cleared in Aug of last year, thru Guelph, Had my post op class in Dec, met the surgeon Jan  and Surgery in Feb, unfortunately it does not happen as fast as you want it to,

on 8/5/14 11:38 am

I went through the Hamilton clinic. I met with the Internist next and if given the all clear, then met with the surgeon. It was a very quick process at that point. I know every clinic is different though. 

on 8/6/14 1:15 am
RNY on 11/27/14


I am going through Guelph. I called on July 28 to tell them I had my CPAP, and thats what they were waiting for to tell me I am on the list for surgery. The next appt will be a class in "post operative nutrition" which they said will be scheduled when the surgeons are ready for more patients...they say likely in September for that class. I too wait...

Did they all sign off and tell you are on the list for surgery?

We are kind of on a similar time line...




on 8/6/14 1:30 am

It was only the Interist that had to sign off. If my body couldn't handle a surgery, then they wouldn't operate. Once I got that 'ok', I was then called with an appointment with the surgeon. I was told (by the surgeon) what operation I was having and I signed the consents. I was told that they would call me with a surgery date. Before I left the parking garage, I had my date! The surgeon gave me the script for opti-fast so I bought that on my way out. 

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