Post-op meds
Hi there :)
Support person here ... Sorry if this seems like an intrusion ... Most of the other posts seem to be from actual patients ...?
Anyway. My husband had his RNY 7/22 at HRRH ... He was on a few meds pre-op which they've stopped post-op w/ the exception of metformin if gluc > 6.0, and they changed his nexium to dissolvable lansoprazole. I've read on other posts that some people continue all their meds post ... Is this just something HRRH does? Was it an oversight?
He's not seen again until a post-op class at the end of Aug ... I plan to call the clinic Tues but I'm just curious what others' experiences have been.
Thanks :)
I was off all diabetes meds post surgery. The first few days in hospital they did sliding scale e.g. Give insulin in response to high glucose if needed. Surgery trauma can cause high numbers as can the sugary liquid Tylenol they give you. My numbers were between 5-7 when I left on no meds. Was required to check glucose 3x a day for the next three days and the diabetic nurse called me on day 4 to see if it was still okay to confirm I could stay off. By day 4 my numbers were most in the 5s with the odd low 6. Told to stay off everything, check glucose once a day and call back if getting numbers over 7. So far, so good. They didn't leave me hanging though and were very clear what numbers and how often they wanted me to test. My surgery was in Ottawa.
Not sure about other meds, as I was only on meformin and victoza for diabetes.
on 8/2/14 3:32 pm - Canada
Your support no doubt means the world to your partner but given his life will be changing so drastically he needs to be the driver, let him call to double check. Let him do some of this so that he becomes the expert and the driving force behind the required changes. By all means keep reading and posting but let him teach you. I have a friend that has had surgery two plus years ago and I sometimes try to care take her like asking if she took her vitamins she humours me by saying yes Mother but she does not want nor need me to take care of her only to accept her as she is. Which is sometimes the woman that eats the wrong foods and still at times puts her needs last but she knows what her body needs and makes her own choices good or bad, informed or not at the end of the day it's her journey. I know for me I love the support but I also know I must relearn to live my life in a healthier way so that the plus sized me is left behind. I need to make these changes because if others could have changed me they would have. My size two sister could have taken me under her wing feeding me nothing but clean healthy foods but it would not have lasted as the changes are mine to make. And I needed to make theses changes and learn to take ownership and responsibility for my health and happiness. This is of course non of my business but I just wanted to share my thoughts. If you find my post hurtful I'm sorry I was only hoping to be helpful. Truly I do find your care touching, and I hear the love behind your questions I just wonder why he's not the one asking.

No offense taken, Jane :)
I'm an RN, so I've just kinda taken over the vitamins/medications aspect ... It's kind of what I do ;) You're not wrong though ... He should be doing this.
Re: the eating, I'm trying to leave that to him ... I don't want to nag, and he's been doing great. It's just the meds that I feel the need to control :/
I also had my RNY at HRRH. Upon discharge, I got a detailed print-out from Dr. Glaser, listing all my meds & vitamins including dosage. It told me which to take, which to quit and which to change dosage etc... I think this is standard for HRRH. Right off the bat he stopped 2 of my 3 blood pressure meds and my metformin was to be taken only when my fasting blood sugar is over 6.0.
He's lucky to have your support!
Thanks for your reply !!
We did get a printout from Dr Glaser ... Hubby was on 1 BP med and it was stopped, as well as his glyburide and crestor. We'll see what happens ... I'll try to get him in to see our GP soon and see what she says. We're not out of HRRH (we're from a satellite site), so we don't really have anymore followup w/ Dr Glaser himself so ... I don't really know what else to do from here. He's already seen the surgeon *****ally only weighed him and looked at his lap sites ... Hopefully our GP knows what's up !! I'd at least want his BP monitored for a bit ...?
I can't imagine being married for 44 years :) Congrats !! We've been married for 7 ... Ha !!
Absolutely nothing wrong w/ caring !! It is important too tho, as caregivers, to try to step back when able ... Allow him to do what he is able to do. Caregiver burn out is a real thing !! And then who cares for the caregiver ??