
on 8/1/14 11:51 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I am 2.5 years out. I have been having wine for about 1 year. I usually drink mostly at home since one glass and I really feel it. I have been feeling a little out of control on wine lately. One glass was turning into 3 or 4. After 2 my speech would be slurred and I was definitely drunk. My son sat down with me and said he was concerned. He felt I had done so well with my weight loss and my drinking was sabotaging my health.

He is currently fighting weight gain. So he has proposed for the month of August we should give up drinking. I agreed but when the time came I think I felt some resentment. I did not feel I had a problem and did not want to give up yet another thing I enjoyed.

I have a tendency to have a binge but not realised until after what drives it. So yesterday I ate a lot of crap. I now realise it was my way of dealing with something I did not want to face.

SO tonight I will have a nice steak dinner with out the after dinner drink. Hopefully I will lose some of the ten lbs I put on last winter and my son will lose some of his weight.

I am writing this to make myself accountable and also as a caution to people wanting to try drinking. It can sneak up on you





Karen M.
on 8/2/14 12:36 am, edited 8/2/14 5:37 am - Mississauga, Canada

Amen sisterfriend.

P.S. Your liver thanks you. It's already working triple-time to keep you healthy.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 8/2/14 10:18 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I have been a little worried about the liver. Hopefully this helps





on 8/2/14 1:55 am

Thank you for the warning Pat, and it sounds like you have a very loving son.  I'm sure that was not easy for you to hear and not easy for him to say.  Good luck for obstaining the month of August and re-evaluate then to see the benefits.

on 8/2/14 10:18 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Thanks. He is a great guy





on 8/2/14 6:15 am

Good luck Pam! You are brave in sharing this. I know that you are not alone. I hope that you gain the insight that you're looking for. :)

on 8/2/14 6:37 am

Hi Pat

I love having a glass of wine....two puts me right over.....I didnt want it to sneak up on me I usually limit it to nights our for dinner......home is just too easy.....

good luck with this....and I get it re its something else you have to give up......maybe just cut it back a bit








on 8/2/14 10:20 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

before surgery my husband and I would have wine and play cards usually Fridays. Then it became Tuesdays because it was his day off. It's funny when the kids were young I rarely drank. So I hope to go back to the odd drink but not every week





on 8/2/14 10:22 am - NH

thanks for sharing.  

(deactivated member)
on 8/2/14 11:37 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

You can do this Pat.  We have discussed this before.  I will go cold turkey for months at a time just to prove to myself that I don't need it.  I love a good glass of red but I want to make sure that I never love it so much that I need to have it.  I tend to drink way too much during the summer then cut it right off most of the winter.  I get feeling tipsy with the first few sips but before the first glass is gone, I am completely feeling sober again.  DH teases me that the more I drink the more sober I get and it's not far from the truth.  It hits me hard the first few sips of wine then I am sober as fast as I got tipsy.  I know I am more than likely legally impaired but feel sober.  It's good that you recognized that it may potentially be a problem and are doing something about it now.

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