Got the call today......Surgeons appointment in Guelph - Aug 5th

on 7/31/14 12:53 am

Wow, I am so excited! I got a call from the clinic @ GGH this morning for my Surgeons apt with Dr. Pereira-Hong for August 5th (must've been a cancellation) either way I am super stoked. Can anyone let me know of their experiences with Dr. Pereira-Hong and also, what should I expect at this appointment.

How long after your surgeons appointment was your surgery?


Thanks :)


SW- 285 lbs Ref Jan/14 ~ Rec'd clinic letter Feb/14 ~ Ultrasound - Feb 28/14 ~ Orientation - Mar 6/14 ~ RN - Mar 12/14 ~ Bloodwork Mar 17/14 ~ RD/SW appt - Mar 24/14 ~ 2nd RN/RD/SW appt - May 22/14 ~ Post-Op Eating Class - July 21/14 ~ Surgeons appt w/ Dr. Pereira-Hong - Aug 5/14 ~ Opti Aug 18-25/14 ~ Surgery Aug 25/14




on 7/31/14 2:43 am - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 07/22/14

I just had my surgery with Dr. Pereira-Hong on July 22.  At my initial appointment, she was kind of stern. Challenging me on my weight (I was up 3 pounds since my previous appt), my activity level and my goal expectations.  I think that was on purpose, a sort of scared straight thing.  On the day of my surgery and while I was in the hospital, she was super.   

My surgery was about 6 weeks after my appointment with Dr. Pereira-Hong.  She was concerned because I had given blood in May so she made me wait a bit. 


Good luck!

Referral: Nov 12   Sleep Study: Feb 13   Orientation: Feb 13  1st appt NSWD: May 13   2nd appt NSWD July 13  2nd Sleep Study: Dec 13   Post Op Nut: April 14 Meet Dr. Pereira-Hong: May 14  PATTS: July 8 14   Surgery: July 22 14



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