Did anyone attend Guelph Orientation on July 10th?

on 7/29/14 11:18 pm - Canada

I'd like to know what people decided.  I'm not sure if this is a good route to go.  Did the orientation make you decide to go for it??

(deactivated member)
on 7/30/14 6:02 am

I went through Guelph for my orientation, appointments, surgery, post op appointments ..the whole shabang, Best thing I ever did. However only you can decide what is good for you no one else can. Maybe its not your time yet, or maybe you are happy the way you are. What ever the case, what others decide for themselves, has nothing to do with how you feel. You would know if its for you, obviously its not yet.

on 7/30/14 12:01 pm

I was there on July 10 and I have decided to proceed with the next steps leading up to surgery.  My next appointments are on Sept 4 with the RN and Sept 22 with the dietician and SW.  I have already done the list of blood work and waiting for the results back from my sleep study. 

I have always told myself that I can do this on my own, but it has never happened, so I have decided that I need assistance with weight loss and this is the route that I have chosen.  It may not be for everyone, but for me, this seems to be the best option.


Referral by GP - April 2/14; Orientation in Guelph - July 10/14; Sleep Study - July 26/14; 1st RN apt - Sept 9/14; 1stSW/DT apt -  


on 8/13/14 12:15 am - Canada

I was at the Orientation on July 10. Came alone because my husband was at work. I found the research I did on my own before attending was more relevant than what the nurse told us. I felt like she was patrionizing us, like we think surgery will fix all our problems, maybe that was just me though. I knew before going to the session that I wanted to go through with it. I have tried just about everything for this weight to get off my body, and nothing is working. I called the Center on the 11th to start the process. I have my RN appointment for the 28 of August, and my Diet/SW appointment for the 16 of September. I got all my bloodwork and urine testing done when I got the letter in the mail, so Im just waiting for my appointments :)

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