Are we ever allowed? ( funny)

on 7/28/14 2:57 am - Canada

Ok there folks

This could only happen in my family haha.My son is in his second going on third week ina  ready for this!!!!!! a Food processing company. And ohhhhhhhh he is allowed to bring home one item each week for us to try. The compnay only makes 12 items thankgoodness  ahahh but everything the make is pasta oriented food. Are we ever allowed this kind of food? or is all pasta a NoNo? I dont want to offend my son but I keep telling him nope sorry bud not this week maybe a couple more weeks I can have a bite. I am just over a month out of surgery as well so not even on complete solid foods yet.

I am not craving the food so that is good and it isnt bad smelling it when it is cooking. So nothing like that just the kinda sad puppy face I feel like I get every time I have to say n o to my son LOL He is in  his 20s and can still make me feel guilty LOL.

Hope you are having a great Monday and this rai will go away soon

cause wittle Kathy weants to go out and playyyyyyyyyyyyyy.


Onward and

on 7/28/14 3:03 am - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I personally stayed away from pasta for a long time after surgery. Now, during maintenance, I can eat pasta, but I still eat very little at a time - maybe a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of pasta as a vehicle for whatever high protein sauce, curry or stirfry I'm having with it. And sometimes when I eyeball the amount I give myself now, I find that once I'm seated and eating, I can't fini**** because it's just too much.

If I were you, I'd stay away from it for now. Now's the time to really maximize your weight loss.  You will eventually be able to have pasta (and most other stuff too) in small amounts, if you can tolerate them. There isn't much I can't tolerate, and the few things I can't tolerate, I don't really crave, due to having had bad experiences eating them since surgery. I'm just careful of how much of them I eat. And when I'm not careful, I pay. :)

Good luck!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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Karen M.
on 7/28/14 3:11 am - Mississauga, Canada

Most pastas offer you nothing in the way of nutrition other than carbs - not a great choice when you're on a protein-forward eating plan. I still find pasta extremely filling, sometimes uncomfortably so, with even only 1/4 cup along with the protein in the dish, so I pretty much avoid it for the most part and enjoy the yummy meat/veggie sauce and cheese that go along with the pasta.

Resist the guilt - pretty sure your son and the company he works for didn't prepare the dish as a gift to you. ;)



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/28/14 3:49 am

I've really been loving my baked ricotta as a sub for past dishes lately.  I'm only a few weeks out so also not yet on solids.  That said if they make lasagna, I'd take it and simply remove the noodle lawyers.  So meat sauce and cheese which should be okay.  Although most prepared foods are also high fat.

on 7/28/14 5:49 am - Canada

Ok Thanks

 sometimes that little smack on a hand or a NoNo is all it takes from somemone else LOL then I am fine again :) I  think this weeks treat is Mannicota (sp) so will mush up some egg and a tsp of mayo with black pepper. and as a real rea maybe 4 plain unsalted crackers.


Karen M.
on 7/28/14 6:24 am - Mississauga, Canada

Depending on what the manicotti is stuffed with, you may be able to have it (the stuffing, not the pasta) - if it's ricotta cheese, I'm pretty sure that's on your "okay" list?



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/29/14 12:12 am - Canada

I eat pasta about once a week since the 3 month mark. I am 7.5 months out now and have lost 130 pounds. I eat 1/4 cup as a serving. The kind I buy has added fiber and some has high protein.  

on 7/29/14 12:37 am

How I'm living my new life is that everything is okay in moderation.

This is a change of lifestyle for me and not a diet for life program.

If I want to have pasta, I'll have it (in moderation)

I am a foodie and although I am picky about what I eat ... it's based on how the dish is prepared and not what it's made from.

As long as I am well within my numbers (protein,carbs, fat, etc) I'm going to try whatever I want.

Now, there are certain no-no's that I won't cross the line on and that's the no carbonation rule, and never drink when eating.


      Have learned that I can't measure my journey only by what I've lost.  I've gained health and extra time on this earth ... that is most important

Karen M.
on 7/29/14 12:55 am - Mississauga, Canada

When was your surgery/what kind?

I think many people a few years out follow the "I'll eat whatever I want (hopefully)in moderation" diet and I'm always impressed when they can avoid regain. Being over 8 years post-op I am certain I could eat whatever I want (in moderation) and be okay (gawd, I hope) but I'm still very wary of trying too many things that I avoided, and did not miss, for years.

I'm sure that the OP will make her own decisions. And I'm hopeful she doesn't think that pasta at one month post-op is a good choice nutritionally. But hey, with advice like "I'm going to try whatever I want", you never know.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/29/14 1:50 am - Toronto, Canada

I couldn't agree more Karen. I viewed this surgery as a starting over plan. I made the most of my honeymoon period, and there were things I tested, and thought better of after. Just because I COULD eat certain foods, didn't mean I SHOULD. I worried about regain in the land of maintenance going back to certain habits. I knew that couldn't live by the "I will eat whatever I want" attitude because after 2 years that will bite you in the ass. You can't understand just how easy it is to regain until you get here....and I knew that going in. So I chose a healthy lifestyle to make me live longer. There are things I eat once in awhile, and I certainly have trigger foods. If I eat them now, I will probably not stop. I'm learning to find a happy medium about that now. But that's now. At maintenance. Living life happily...not eating whatever the hell I want. 

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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