Feel Let Down

on 7/23/14 4:18 pm

Had my one month follow up with nurse and class .. and felt totally let down for the first time through this process

Started by getting there for my "appointment" and the nurse flat out tells me 40 minutes later...oh we tell everyone to come at that time :(

Which of course made me later for the class (blah)

Nurse didn't have all my numbers...actually filled out a Queston mark beside one of my measurements !? REALLY? you took them...i was there the first time...geesh....Friendly and nice as always but...felt rushed and not heard when i asked a couple of questions

Class...well it was so confusing having different surgeons, nurses and nutritionist giving different opinions..the question i asked...didnt really get answered again...and i was given the  lecture of the individual protein needs...kg x 0.8 I beleive gives you your personal daily protein needs...FIRST TIME IVE SEEN THIS!! my orientaton nutritionist ..and my invidual appointment .never mentioned this...and the take home booklet says...  60-80g!! This new equation has me at over 100g ! No problem I will and can do it,,,but I just felt let down...by the first follow up when i felt empowered and successful when I walked in  :( BLAH

Think I needed to have a wee vent- but has anyone else had that feeling? Confused by all the differences? How do you deal?

Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

on 7/23/14 9:05 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Sounds very confusing. Would it be possible to call and get your questions answered? Ask for an appointment with the appropriate person to answer it. As for conflicting info try to sort through what was said and go with what you think is best.

If HRRH has a support group go to it and see if you can get some answers there as well

Good luck





Karen M.
on 7/23/14 9:25 pm - Mississauga, Canada

With the fear of possibly confusing you more with differing opinions, could we perhaps answer your unanswered questions? You can PM me if you like.




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/24/14 1:00 am

Thanks Pam and Karen for your replies - always appreciate the feedback here.

Funny enough I have found this board the MOST helpful throughout the whole process - to read all the varying opinions & good and bad experiences to be able to formulate and make my own informed decisions!

Ok..here it is..

One of my questions was about fatigue..( and I beleive it's just tired..and it's normal) but i wanted to ask about gross calories vs net calories

Im one month post RNY - no complications as of yet - fairly easy recovery and down 46 lbs since Opti.  I've started tracking with my fitnesspal to start the "habit" because i hate journaling and often forget - and I track my walks and the app pulls it into my fitnesspal stats for excersise.

I walk 20 minutes in the morning and apporx 20 minutes in the evening, so with that - my calories are always negativce.  I dont think i need to be concerned with the calories this early out ( if ive searched and read the different responses accurately) and it should be said, that I started tracking on myfitnesspal more so to SEE my protein and fat intake consistently right now..but can't help to notice my calories ..it's on the top of the screen!! haha

Could either of you or someone help me to understand? Im typically getting 600-700 calries in..except one long day I did get 1000 calries in - between protein drinks and real food...my carbs and fats and sugars are all WELL below my goals and targets...

Am I over thinking...and the tiredness is just from surgery and all the changes to our new lifestyles? blah...i think my usual sunshine approach to life finally hit the BLAH wall last night....but today is a new day...and I will lace up my shoes and get my butt out in this heat !

sip sip sip - walk walk walk  - toot toot toot  - kinda like this new life so far :)

Thanks for reading my long winded responses

Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

Karen M.
on 7/24/14 2:02 am, edited 7/24/14 2:03 am - Mississauga, Canada

Good questions. :)

With regard to the fatigue - it is most likely a combination of recovering from major surgery and an extreme decrease in food and nutrient intake. Your body has gone through hell recently and it's putting everything it has into healing and recovery right now. I don't know what vitamin regimen you're following but ensuring you're getting those in will help with healing, energy and overall wellness in the long run. As always, if you're really concerned, contacting your centre for guidance is always a good idea. (Yeah, I know they weren't much help yesterday, were they! lol) In addition, your hormones are likely all over the place too and that can contribute to the "blah". Feeling a little blue or depressed is very common and should pass with a little time. Getting a check on your vitamin levels through blood work is never a bad idea.

With respect to calories - I don't, and never have, count calories since surgery. I closely count proteins, carbs, fats and sugars though and by meeting those goals it keeps my caloric intake low where it should be. It's a great decision to use a system like My Fitness Pal to track your intake - this will help to keep you on track and honest.

It sounds to me like you're doing everything right - and you're correct, today IS a new day and tomorrow will be another one. Hang in there :)


Edited for lowzy speeling.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/24/14 3:09 am - Brampton, ON, Canada
RNY on 10/15/13

can you put the proteins/carbs/fats/sugars ratio here again. I know you have mentioned it before and I keep meaning to save it

HW 312  SW 289.5  Current Weight 135

SURGERY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Toronto Western Hospital - Dr. David Urbach  


Karen M.
on 7/24/14 3:27 am - Mississauga, Canada

I *think* you're talking about the general 40/30/30 rule? Keep your diet at 40% protein, 30% carbs, 30% fats?



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/24/14 4:04 am - Brampton, ON, Canada
RNY on 10/15/13

I've been in the 60/20/20 ratio since surgery for most days  there is the odd day where I get off because of extended cir****tances

HW 312  SW 289.5  Current Weight 135

SURGERY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Toronto Western Hospital - Dr. David Urbach  


Karen M.
on 7/24/14 5:46 am - Mississauga, Canada

My protein count is generally much higher than 40% as well, and my carbs lower than 30%.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/24/14 7:04 am

What a great reply, Thank you!

i'm not hugely concerned so i think with my new day - and confirmation I'm in the ball park has eased my mind.

I take a multi in the morning - mid morning calcium and D afternoon another calcium and D and dinner multi...followed by one more calcium before bed...

B12 is once every other day.

I think I'm ok, most wouldnt even know ive had surgery lol except i need to refuel if im out and about...and get tired

Thanks again for reassuring me with the calories - ive been watching the percentage and my carbs sugar fats an proteins for the most part :)

Time to go laces up my shoes..haul myself around the neighbourhood

Have a Super day everyone!

Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

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