What are you eating/doing today (Wednesday)

on 7/22/14 8:10 pm

RNY  5 Years 3 Months Post Op


Making soup and portioning it out for a family member this morning.....off to the show this afternoon......Planet of the Apes.....or whatever the newest version is called......eating is back in line......will have coffee at the movie

STEPS - 8902


B - 2 large mugs of regular coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 2 slices of Canadian bacon

     1 Egg

    2 slices of WW whole wheat bread


D - 1.5 servings of PC Blue Menu breaded chicken breast with flaxseed

     2 TB of plum sauce

    couple of carrots


S - 2 Source dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,059,  Carbs - 95 Grams,  Fat - 39 Grams,  Protein - 88 Grams


All water and vits.....decaf coffee

Have a great one  






on 7/22/14 11:13 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

13 months post op

steps 11258


Good morning,

Barb, enjoy the movie this afternoon :)

I have been MIA for the last 5 days, with the move and work and organizing I got off track. I ate poorly  (no crap but no actual meals. Picked and grazing) so back on track today!

Looks like rain here and it is cold! such a change from 36 with  humidex yesterday!


B- protein coffee, source yogurt, small banana

S- 1/4 cup ff cottage cheese w/ dices celery and tomatos

L- 1 cup ground chicken taco soup w 1 Charras Tosdita

S- Pure protein bar

D- 3oz chicken breast w/ 1/4 cup sweet kale salad

S- tea and ????


Be well everyone,








on 7/22/14 11:40 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Got a reprieve last night, no go-karting or golf range. So everyone is safe from me. My digestive system is not good today. I had breakfast but now am too nauseous to even think about food. I would have liked to just go back to sleep but I had to come in today. The assessor lost the key to my filing cabinet so she can not get into the client files for today. I am trying to get her another just for these kinds of days.

Suppose to go to cofee night but will see how I fell after work

b yogurt, granola, raspberries

l protein shake, yogurt


d chicken , peas

I have not put into fitbit yet. I will see if I feel better enough to add some more food.






Karen M.
on 7/23/14 12:04 am - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all,

Off to the dentist in a bit and I slept in a little this morning (amazing what a tiny change in meds can do for my sleep - no, not sleeping pills, did that once, baked sf peanut butter cookies in my sleep, not going there again lol) so eats are small 'til I get home around 12:30 - should be good and empty by then (empty is my hungry - never feel real hunger since surgery). I think I'll stop in at Subway and get a sub made into a salad to bring home. Other than that, I think I'll enjoy the nice weather reading in the garden this afternoon :)

8 years 4 months post-op

B - coffee with cream x 2, iogo 0%

L - Subway Turkey Breast and Ham with Spinach and Avocado salad, double meat (360 cal, 26g -protein) plus a little dressing

S - probably the rest of the salad (I'm sure I'll have leftovers), Chicke protein iced coffee later

D - homemade burger on the BBQ all the fixings, no bun, mixed veggie garden salad, 1/2 cob corn

S - not sure

Have a great day! Pat, hope you feel better and Tanya good to see you back, Barb I'm going to see that movie next week, let me know what you think of it. :)





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