
on 7/21/14 9:52 am - Ontario, Canada

Hi Everyone!

I don't post much but I check in daily.  (I'm pretty boring and don't have much to add. )  I did buy a fitbit though!!!  So starting to use that!!!  Overall I've been having a great summer so far. 

So my question--I had my appointment at the Ottawa clinic July 7 and everything went great.  I was told next step is PATTS?  So my question you have any idea how long it will be for that appointment?  They said they would call.  And my next question-sorry I have 2.  IF I'm not here for the appointment or I should say when they call and the time doesn't work-how strict are they about that? If I ask for a later date etc..would that be an issue??

Here's the issue....and it's not an issue so much as... my friend's parents passed away close together, and her and her 4 siblings have decided to keep their home in Florida between them.  SOOOOO  we are driving down there in Sept for 2 weeks!!  I can't wait!!  All it will cost is gas and food.  How lucky is that? 

Then add to that-I have to travel for work in Oct.

I was just anxious as I have NO idea about time frames...and then when they do call can I explain.  I have no idea how it works...or how sensitive things are? does that make sense?

And I apologize if I sound stupid.  This process is new to me, and I don't want to screw it up. 


Thanks in advance!!



RNY January 2015

HW-365 CW-185 GW-160

"Beauty is found within."

(deactivated member)
on 7/21/14 10:01 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

You don't do PATTS until you have a surgery date.  I don't think you have that date yet.  Most PATTS have to be done within a month of surgery.  Maybe the better question is how long do people at your centre wait for a surgery date from last appointment.

on 7/21/14 10:06 am - Ontario, Canada

AHH!  THANKS!!  The behaviorist said it would be a class?  I probably got it mixed up.  I was so nervous and afraid to ask questions.  I've read on here how it can be, so I was too anxious to even think about asking a question.  Especially about time lines.  ESPECIALLY timelines as I want to take a trip or 2.  HAHA.

Thanks again!!

RNY January 2015

HW-365 CW-185 GW-160

"Beauty is found within."

(deactivated member)
on 7/21/14 10:12 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

I've had many surgery and many PATTS but it's never been called a class unless they do things differently in Ottawa.  Hopefully someone from Ottawa can chime in about how it works there.

on 7/21/14 10:27 am
RNY on 05/16/12

If I remember correctly Ottawa does this pre surgery class that is 1-3 hours in length with the nutriotionist and behaviroust. When I went there were about 30 people in the room. PATTS is where you get seen in the day surgery clinic and get seen by the anethesiologist. That happens when you get your surgery date, as mentioned before.

I asked for a later surgery date as it worked better for my work schedule. I was offered a date in April and asked instead to have May 16th. Lana was very willing and I'm sure it's because I was asking for a LATER surgery date, instead of asking for something sooner. Therefore if you are offered a date in September or October I'm sure you can ask for November instead.



HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

on 7/21/14 11:00 am - Ontario, Canada


Greatly appreciate your response!  I was getting so anxious about it!! So happy to hear that it was ok to ask for a later date!!  😄 I was giving myself ulcers over it!  Stupid I know. But I've never been to Florida before and the work travel is a huge deal for me. It's a great opportunity to showcase my strengths. 

So thanks again ladies!  I will sleep well tonight!  


RNY January 2015

HW-365 CW-185 GW-160

"Beauty is found within."

on 7/21/14 2:22 pm

Just finished my surgery in Ottawa last week.  The schedule I followed was orientation - big class easy to reschedule because they offer it every week and sometimes more then once a week.  Next was the trio of meetings scheduled for the same day -Nutitionist, Behaviourist, and Nurse. Practitioner  -if they all sign off you are invited to a smaller pre-surgical class which is just people scheduled for the same procedure as you.  Also offered each week so easy to reschedule.  Then you meet with the surgeon for sign off, the surgeons have office hours a few times a week so again I think they are flexible.  3-5 months after the surgeon signs off you get a surgery date for 4-5 weeks down the road and your date to star Opti.  You can negotiate your surgery date as well to a later date if on vacation etc.  They won't slot you in till you confirm the date.  Once your surgery date is set you get the PATTS/ pre-admission appt which has to be relatively close to your surgery date.  As I recall they worked about my other commitments to make it work but you probably can't delay it for 2-3 weeks.  In any event you seem to be a few steps before PATTS so probably nothing to worry about.

on 7/21/14 8:26 pm - Ontario, Canada

Thank you.

That explains it all perfectly. I've done the trio of meetings so next is class then surgeon etc. I feel like an idiot for getting the name wrong. (PATTS) I'm not a stupid person but in this case? Guess I was. 

I was stressing about it. Selfish I know- want my trips and surgery as well.  But the way you've explained it? I'm in the clear for quite a while. Whew! 😄 That's a relief!  

This board is fantastic for information and everyone is so helpful! 

Thanks again!!!

RNY January 2015

HW-365 CW-185 GW-160

"Beauty is found within."

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