Do I bother will refills and trying again. Dangers

on 7/21/14 2:36 am - Canada

I have had choking problems, coughing and ear ache problems and gave up defills and refills. No one acknowledged my concerns. So it this why? I want to try again after 2 years and getting the run around about it. Do I bother anymore and am I in danger of keeping it in. Will it work better trying again. I cannot some good fav. fruit and veggies very well. I had to take iron pills and a vitamin I was missing. I am not a big protein eater. Apparently Dr. is out of business and I am hearing different. I guess to many complaints. Are my complaints possibly why? Was not told about this could happen. Also told the lap band lasts forever. Also not what I am hearing. Never had a slippage but other problems causing me to give up. I guess I could possibly go back to my problems again if I do get refilled back up. Worked for about 2 yrs. Much trouble over it. If it erodes how will I know?  It has been life threatening for some. I was banned in 2006.  Just get it out of me or what?  Any advice. It is now 2014.

Karen M.
on 7/21/14 3:03 am - Mississauga, Canada

I just want to say that I'm sorry for the troubles you're having. I wish I had some good advice for you but I don't have a lap band so have very little experience or knowledge of it, other than having second-hand information from friends who have, or have had, a lap band.

You mentioned that your surgeon went out of business, is that right? Have you tried to make contact?  If anything, start with your family doctor then. Explain what is happening and get them on the case to getting you some help. Choking, coughing, ear problems... it could be related to the band, it might not be. It sounds as though you need to find a doctor willing to take a look and see what's going on inside you at this point.

Obviously you know the eating plan you are following is not correct for any weight loss surgery, as you're eating low protein and no fruits or veggies? (Sorry, I'm trying to understand your post)

I wish I could offer more help. Please see your doctor and get things started.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/21/14 3:05 am - Arnprior, Canada

I don't know much about lap bands, as I had RNY.  But I'd start by going to your GP and talking to him/her about this.  If they aren't knowledgable in this area, ask to be refered to a specialist, or a Weight Management Clinic.  The specialist or the clinic can give you more current information, and help you with some of the other issues that you seem to be having.

Good luck,



(deactivated member)
on 7/21/14 5:27 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

Sounds like you were too restricted if you had coughing and choking problems.  Not sure who your surgeon is but I know of a few that are no longer banding and know of one clinic that completely closed.  You can have your doc send you for a barium swallow and they can see if the band is slipped or eroded. Only you know the answer as to whether you want to try it again or not.  If you can get access to get a fill try a small one and see how it goes.  My 2nd band, I couldn't have any saline in the band at all or it would choke the life out of me.  You may be like that as well. I had to have it removed and my surgeon put a larger band in and that one was fine for a few years then the same thing happened that I couldn't even have a drop of saline in the band or I was living on liquids. Not sure if you have gained weight or not but if you do qualify for WLS, you can get a referral to the bariatric registry and look into a possible revision and at least then you would be seen by people that are knowledgeable in WLS and they may be able to do testing in preparation for a possible revision that may in fact help you to keep the band. You can always say no to a revision after going through the program.

on 7/21/14 5:49 am - Canada

Tracey I could never get the right restriction point. I have found out that the surgeon step down from that Toronto Clinic. They told me this morning he went out of business and I googled he had a lot of complaints. I am getting a referral to see him of what I should do. It worked great but with a lot of trouble really. It was not worth it at all. The money I spent. I really think I lost faster and did most of it on my own with exorcize. I lost a lot of weight but can some back. I was banded 2006 . I got de filled and my ear aches, choking and coughing stopped. I was not told about the band. It never worked properly. Now I don't know whether to bother trying again cause I guess it will be the same thing. Maybe I should not go see the same doctor. I hear he is still doing the surgerys. The decision is do I get it taken out cause of potential future erosion and serious health problem that may occur. I was told I didn't have to have it out and it would last a life time. Well I hear different now. I am one of the lucky ones that the bad didn't slip and cause problems. Now I am not going to enjoy getting cut and a scar that hurts when sweating and rubbing for about a year like when I first got the band in. I have to decide now to get it out or keep it in. Will it work again if I try again. Not feeling optimistic.

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