How would you?

on 7/20/14 1:00 am - Canada

Hi Everybody

Strange but a question I need help with. Ok The last three days have been rainy and damp and not good weather for walkin exercise; so to replace it I have been doing 15 minutes of dance and house work spread through out the day.

Heres the question, what or how would you classify house work? I mean it is everything from dusting, throwin out and packing up and sweeping and  washing dishes all that kind of stuff. So It is exercise of sorts but has no classification.

Thanks all hope you are having fun and enjoying this adventure of learning and doing and reaching for the stars.


Karen M.
on 7/20/14 6:17 am, edited 7/20/14 6:30 am - Mississauga, Canada

I'm not sure what you're asking really - I mean, housework combines (at some either extremely low or moderately higher) levels of cardio, strength, stretching, etc. But to classify it somehow as "formal exercise"? No.

I guess I classify it as what it is  - housework. Sometimes it is more strenuous, sometimes it's for a longer period of time, but mostly it's just moving about your home doing necessary domestic goddess duties.  

Edited to add: Out of curiosity, I Googled "relating housework to exercise" to see what it came up with. Here are a whole bunch of links that basically agree with what I thought.

Domestic Goddesses are not truly athletes, sorry.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/20/14 9:01 am - Canada

Thanks Karern LOL

Yeap go figure Housework is not considered exercise haha just painful and exhausting and a none paying job hahah.


Karen M.
on 7/20/14 9:27 am - Mississauga, Canada

You got that right, sister! lol

It can be a lot of work, especially if you're not all that mobile. ANY moving you are doing is a huge positive.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

Mary A.
on 7/21/14 12:09 am

well I cut brush and weeds long enough to sweat for an hr hope that counts~!

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

Karen M.
on 7/21/14 12:58 am - Mississauga, Canada

And I tackled my garden for about 4 hours on Friday and still feel the muscle strain even today and sweated like nobody's business - it WAS a "workout" and it does count. ANY purposeful movement counts - dusting, vacuuming, whatever. It's just not "formal exercise", which I think Kathy was eluding to.

And now, I head back out to the garden to finish what I started. And pick the gdamn weeds that came up as if by magic since Friday. LOL



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/21/14 12:59 am

You can log housework on "my fitness pal" and it lets you pick from a drop down menu many different housework activities.  Log your time and it will break down your work-out.

Housework is a definite work out :-) 



      Have learned that I can't measure my journey only by what I've lost.  I've gained health and extra time on this earth ... that is most important

Karen M.
on 7/21/14 1:02 am - Mississauga, Canada

You're right, it does! I completely forgot about that. Good point.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/22/14 6:31 am - Canada

Wowsers cant beleive it has been so long and I have missed so much.

Thank you for letting me know how to in put housework ino Fitness pal it will come in handy nex weekend for certain, Uil then I am actually walkin enouh to start a slow paced race hahah bu it is exercise  .

Humidityn eeds to go bye bye though please just nice and sunny warm good for sunbathing and walking but not to hot .

Hahha my apartment buildin wouldnt appreciate me ardening in theior weeds Karn hahahah miht just find some soil and mabe a re4al flower or 2 hahaha.

Take care and Have fun



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