Lost 15 lbs waiting for orientation ..... Under 40 BMI now
So, I got my referral sent march of this year ..... Orientation is Aug 6, 2014.
I have read and read and read all the helpful info on this site. I started walking, eating better- protein first, cut back on pop, etc.
so in the last 2 months I have lost 15 lbs .... Yeah me! But I am worried that I will no longer qualify as I am below 40 BMI now!
I have some family that says ... See you can do it! I know I can lose weight on my own ... I have done it 20 times before! But like most ... The weight comes back with some extra! I fear if I am not approved that 2 or 5 or 10 years from now I will be in a worse place ... Unhappy again but that much older!
Anyone have any ideas if they look at referral weight or current weight?
The clinic weighed me on my first visit to meet my surgeon and again when I meet the RN, SW, and the RD. No one at the clinic ever mentioned my referral weigh. I waited 13 months for an orientation date, so weigh would have been different.
Take Care
I'm 3 days away from my first appointment and I, too, lost below 40 (way lower than 40, I got to 34 bmi) and my family doctor said that I should think of gaining a bit to qualify. She knows I cannot keep it off and all the benefits I've gotten since losing weight will be gone within a year as I will undoubtedly gain again. I have PCOS but I'm not sure that is a co-morbidity.
So, on my appointment, I'm going to ask if its alright if I lose some before surgery since I 'food funeraled' my way back up to nearly 40 bmi again.
eta: they only look at your weight at first appointment, not referral, and no one does anything at orientation.
Such a long wait, these things are bound to happen.
on 7/20/14 3:18 pm - Toronto, Canada
Hi There,
I am going through the appointment process now out of TWH. I an confirm, they did not weigh me once yet. I have had orientation, and my social worker appt. I do believe the first time you will be weighed will be at the nurse practitioner appt, which could be month away from your orientation date.
If you are below the 40 BMI, they will probably suggest you do the optifast program instead of go through with the surgery. My BMI is around 42, and I know my history, this is my last resort, my second chance at life, so I am making sure I do not drop below that 40, UNTIL they weigh me at my nurse pratictioner appt, because I don't want to risk them not approving me. I am not going to make any drastic diet changes until then.
- Good luck
In Hamilton the nurse/dietician appointment is before the social worker.
Ours goes like this: referral , orientation, requisitions to GP for ultrasound and blood tests, first appointment (dietician, nurse, and appointments given for scopes, sleep study, internist if you need them. This is the time they weigh and measure you and see if you qualify), then internist (if you need it), then surgeon, then surgery (weighed one more time for anesthesia).
on 7/21/14 5:05 am - Toronto, Canada
Yeah at TWH the first appointment scheduled for me was the nurse as well, but I got into the social worker on a cancellation.
Referral sent- April 9th/14 Orientation TWH- June 25th/14 Social Worker- July 9th/14 Nurse Practitioner- July 30th/14 Nutrition Class- TBA Dietrician- TBA Psychologist- TBA Meet Surgeon - TBA Surgery Date -TBA