Having my Surgery tomorrow

on 7/15/14 6:44 am - Canada

With having my surgery tomorrow am getting very nervous and anxiety ridden. Just want it over so I can relax a little.

on 7/15/14 6:48 am - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Best of luck tomorrow!

on 7/15/14 6:49 am - Canada



Karen M.
on 7/15/14 6:51 am - Mississauga, Canada

That's very understandable! Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you have a capable, experienced surgeon who performs this surgery all the time. Think of tomorrow as a new start - a new opportunity to improve your health and your life.

We'll be thinking of you - sending positive warm thoughts your way!




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/15/14 7:12 am - Waterloo, Canada

Try not to worry - I personally found it to be a lot easier than what I expected.  All the best for a speedy recovery!

on 7/15/14 7:20 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

Best wishes for tomorrow! 

Referral: June 26, 2013  Confirmation: July 4, 2013  Orientation(OWMC) Sept.13, 2013  Nurse: Dec. 3, 2013  Nut/Beh: Jan. 28, 2014  Pre-surgical class: Feb. 26, 2014  Meet Surgeon: March 18, 2014  PAU: July 11, 2014  Surgery with Dr. Yelle: Aug. 11, 2014              




on 7/15/14 8:12 am - Arnprior, Canada

You're normal I'm afraid to say.  It's how we react just before a big change.  Take deep breaths, and keep thinking of all the NSVs you'll have after tomorrow.  All the things you'll be able to do, that you can't do now.

Speedy recovery!



Dolly K.
on 7/15/14 8:54 am, edited 7/15/14 9:08 am

Good luck! Just visualize and beleive that everything will go so smoothly for you...... Genie says - your wish is my command..... 


Karen M.
on 7/15/14 8:56 am, edited 7/15/14 8:59 am - Mississauga, Canada

Could "Ginny" perhaps give me a million bucks? And while I'm dreaming, I'd like a pony.





Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Dolly K.
on 7/15/14 9:02 am

Lol. Karen universe has heard your wish now you have to beleive in it. Our job is to make the wish and wait for result  - could be today, tomorrow or in coming years so  Go buy a lottery and when you win  - don't forget me :)

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