Cravings post op

on 7/14/14 10:34 am - Canada

Anyone experience strong food cravings after surgery? I know most of us aren't really hungry, but I swear I would give just about anything for a cheeseburger and fries at this particular moment.  It's almost like my body doesn't need it but my brain isn't ready to accept that. Am I losing it?

Karen M.
on 7/14/14 11:12 am - Mississauga, Canada

They operate on your gut, not on your head. Cravings, temptations, wants - they don't go away with surgery. Figuring out your mental/emotional relationship with food is a MUST.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/14/14 11:25 am - Canada

Yep...I am sure I have a long way to go...not only with the weight loss but what made me get to the point where I needed surgery to begin with. Food was my drug and I have a long road ahead of me.  Thanks for your response.

Karen M.
on 7/14/14 11:31 am - Mississauga, Canada

I hear you on that. Emotional eating/cravings is hell. Food was my "go-to" pre-op in times of stress, sadness, boredom... I've found other ways to deal with those emotions. My relationship with food will always be a love-hate thing - I love it (too much) and it hates me (and packs on the pounds). lol

Hang in there - talking about it is a good thing. You're certainly not alone.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/14/14 11:37 am - Canada

Thanks Karen!


on 7/14/14 11:20 pm - Canada
I hear ya! For the past few months I've been struggling with cravings really badly. It takes a lot of self talk and mental kicking myself in the butt to get past the craving. It also takes a lot of self reflection and understanding where the feelings are coming from. It's hard to do and something that will always have to be worked on.

Some tricks I've done is to remove myself from a situation whenever I can if I get overwhelmed (like excuse myself to go to the bathroom). Sometimes I self-talk myself through it and sometimes I take a bite of whatever it is to satisfy that craving and then I realize I don't actually want it and I can move on. There are foods that I will absolutely never have and my brain has resided to that fact - so that's easier to manage. It's like re-training the brain but then it tries to trick you... it's such a powerful thing!

Stay strong

Highest Weight Pre-Op: 346lbs;. Surgery Weight: 330lbs; Current Weight: 204lbs
Surgery: Aug 2, 2013

on 7/14/14 11:54 pm - Arnprior, Canada

One thing I was told when I was pregnant, was that cravings are our body's way of telling us we are low in something.  You may be craving cheeseburger's and fries, but it's only what your brain associates with what's missing in your diet.  Or you are missing something else that your brain associates with that particular food.  Such as whenever you go out with the girls, you have cheeseburgers and fries, and you are missing that social time.

I'd start by taking a look at what you are eating.  It could be as simple as you need a bit more salt in your diet.  Or it could be a craving for beef, which you can get other ways.

Good luck,



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