Post WLS people with hair loss - did you wear hats?

on 7/14/14 5:10 am
RNY on 02/04/15

Hello all, I am pre-op and am still gathering lots of information on WLS and the possible side effects.  With respect to hair loss, if I experience it, I am planning on getting a pixie cut so it will be less noticeable.  However, did any of you (who are post-op) experience the hair loss,  and if so, did you wear hats?  I am thinking a few cool hats might be an idea for me to try - specifically for work.  For those of you that did wear hats, did you get any odd stares or weird questions?  I look forward to hearing your replies.  And thanks again for indulging a newbie.


on 7/14/14 5:18 am - Arnprior, Canada

I had hair loss post WLS, but not as bad as some. I'd notice it more if I skipped washing my hair for a day.  I didn't wear hats any more often than I had before or now.  Some take supplements to help with this.

Each person is different, you may not notice much, or you may notice a lot. You won't know until it starts.



Diminishing Dawn
on 7/14/14 5:28 am - Windsor, Canada

For most of us, hair loss is not the end of the world.  No one knew but me.   I never wore hats or bought a wig.  I just got my hair cut into a bob because the breakage Esther worst part.  

17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

Karen M.
on 7/14/14 6:07 am - Mississauga, Canada

I lost about 60% of my hair - thankfully I had a lot to begin with. It really wasn't noticeable to anyone but me and my hair dresser. Got some extra layers cut into my style and it was just fine. I wear hats sometimes - but for cuteness and style, not to hide anything. lol

Here's some good information about hair loss for you: Telogen Effluvium

Not to worry - it grows back :)



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/14/14 8:15 am, edited 7/14/14 8:16 am - Canada

I'm nine months out and have had what I feel is lots of loss, surprisingly not noticeable to others.  I did not cut it short, and wear it in a bun or up.  I have not gotten re growth yet but it is not coming out at a frightening pace anymore.  I believe we should be careful with our hair in its care but this has been my belief for a very long time, I use homemade shampoo or no poo, I do not colour my hair and have plenty of wild curls, without chemicals or heat.

 In saying that a friend of mine 8 months out has continued to colour her hair and blow dry it and she has re growth already go figure

 Respectfully Jane
(deactivated member)
on 7/14/14 9:35 am

I have lost alot of hair, thank goodness I have thick hair to begin with, but I just got it cut in a nice short style, looks good, no bald spots ect.. small price to pay to be healthy

on 7/14/14 11:18 am - Canada
I was quite worried about hair loss pre-op because I have fine thin hair and not a lot of it. I'm now 11 months post-op and never cut my hair short nor do I wear it up or have a comb over. I don't wear hats either and never had a need to. Yes I notice it more thin and my hairdresser does too, but I can still style it in the same way as before and not really look that different. I think it alarms us when we see "clumps of hair" come out and it is pretty stressful but it really is a phase. Just remember your body went through major surgery and will be mal-absorbing all of the good stuff it needs.

I think it affects some more than others, just make sure you take all of your vitamins and protein as instructed. Nothing can ultimately stop the hair from falling out, but taking good care of yourself can help reduce how much falls out.

It won't fall out right away - it usually hits between 4-8 months, which is pretty accurate for my experience. Every now and again I'll notice more hair loss on one particular day than others but it's definitely not as much nor to the frequency as before.

Having a plan on how you will deal with your level of hair loss is a good idea, but try to not stress too much about it. The overall long-term benefits of surgery definitely outweigh the short term hair loss.

Highest Weight Pre-Op: 346lbs;. Surgery Weight: 330lbs; Current Weight: 204lbs
Surgery: Aug 2, 2013

on 7/14/14 3:06 pm - Canada
RNY on 07/10/12

I'm two years out and still losing my hair. Thankfully I have a lot of hair but the constant new growth drives me nuts. I wouldn't be so quick to chop your hair off (unless your were planning on it regardless of surgery) as the amount varies person to person. Just my two cents. 




Onward and

on 7/14/14 8:40 pm, edited 7/14/14 8:40 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

I didn't lose enough to go the hat route. I was losing quite a bit for a while there, but not enough that anyone would really notice except my hairdresser. In any case, even if you do lose enough for that, it will happen gradually enough that you will have time to get yourself a hat if you need one. It won't all fall out overnight. I wouldn't worry about it right now, and I wouldn't do anything like stocking up on hats. Probably an unnecessary expense.

You have a good plan with the pixie cut - that's what I did too. And never looked bac****ep my hair short now and I love it like this!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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