Good news !!!!

Anne G.
on 7/9/14 1:52 pm - Hawkesbury, Canada

Hey everyone,  good news for me finally....  My family dr. has finally agreed to fill up the referral papers for me to get my revision surgery, last week....   Today, I got a call from Ottawa Civic Hospital's weight management clinic saying they got my referral from my dr. on July 2nd and she was calling me to give me an appointment to meet the nurse there for next Monday, July 14th !!!!   I was very surprised (but happy...) to get a call so soon but she said that, since my case in so urgent, she wanted to see me as soon as possible.  So, next Monday it is for me !!!  I don't know what will happen there or if it's gonna speed up the process for me but I'm VERY happy anyways....  the process has started...   If anyone knows what happens at this meeting and what I should expect afterwards, PLEASE let me know....


I'll let you guys know what happens next.



on 7/9/14 11:51 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good luck. Hope all goes speedy now





on 7/10/14 1:18 am - Arnprior, Canada

From what I understand, usually the first thing is an orientation class, but you seem to be doing things in a bit different order.  I don't know what she'll ask or say, but be prepared to let them know how much you do know and that you are ready.  You may get sent for bloodwork and and ECG, or that may be later.  If you haven't had one recently, you may be referred for a sleep test.  (Once you get the original appointment, call and get put on the cancellation list, it will get you in much quicker).

Good luck on Monday!




on 7/10/14 2:59 am - St.Thomas, Canada

I'm curious, by revision do you mean from having the surgery years ago? I'm asking because I'm have a friend is has just started the process and she had a bypass 12 years ago. 



Anne G.
on 7/10/14 3:05 am - Hawkesbury, Canada

CassieM, yes I had a sleeve done in October 2011.  I lost about 110lbs in a year but I have been vomiting daily since the operation because, scar tissue has formed around my stomach and it made it curve so that's why I'm vomiting.  And also, I have gained back some weight and need to do a revision so I can lose the remaning weight.



on 7/14/14 12:36 am - Ottawa, Canada
VSG on 02/03/14

Just wanted to say that I'm really glad that they are going to see you so quickly.

I remember your previous posts about having had surgery, and vomiting, etc. and having moved to Ottawa. I hope that the nurse and/or surgeon can get to the bottom of the issues you're having. It can't be fun vomiting daily!

Wishing you lots of luck, though I don't know if any of us can tell you what to expect as your situation is different from most! Fingers crossed it all goes well.

OTTAWA -- 2011 - Contemplated WLS Feb. 15, 2013 - GP Feb. 20 - lung functioning Feb. 22 - blood work Feb. 27 - Referral April 19 - orientation, bloodwork July 10 - nurse July 23 - rheumatologist (VSG) Sept. 12 - Behaviourist & Dietician Oct. 23 - Echocardiogram Nov. 6 - Pre-surgery Class Nov. 12 - Surgeon Jan 13, 2014 - Optifast (3 wks) Jan. 27 - PATTS Feb. 3, 2014 - Surgery (VSG)
303 Pre-Opti 297 SW 271 GW 170 CW 200 (Feb. 8, 2018 - damn the regain!) VSG with Dr. Yelle

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