Anyone work Homecare ? if so , how long off work roughly ?
Hi ladies , just wondering about the time off after surgery . I did a search of the forum about time off and im seeing a lot of 2/3 weeks off then going back but a lot of those see to be for office staff. Anyone who works a fairly physical job and went back in that timeframe ?
I work homecare and as you can imagine , it can be physically demanding depending on the client . I have a lot of heavy/ trained cases on my schedule and wondering how to go about my return to work . Any input girlies ?
Jax x
I do home day care and have up to five kids a day to look after. I got my staples out this morning and started back to work this afternoon after taking a week and two days off. I'll be working full time for the rest of the week. My surgery date was June 26. I can sit down when needed and my 14 year old son will be a helper if need be. So far things are going well. In my job I can't take much time off or I wouldn't have a job to go back too. If you have benefits and can stay off longer go for it. If I wasn't self employed I would have taken longer. But I am feeling really good and am able to get 8 glasses of water in.
Hi jaxie I just had my social work appointment at TWH on Friday and I asked her how long I would expect to be off after surgery, and she said "the usual is 4 weeks, but up to 6 weeks if you have a labour intensive job". I would say if you are allowed/able to take the time off work then try and take a full 6 weeks. Will your company allow you to be off and will you be paid, or do you have short term disability benefits?
Thanks for the replies girls ,
My company will allow me to be off but I will not be paid for sick leave . I will apply for EI (if its going to be longer than 4 weeks) ...but also in my company , I can bank hours , which I do regularly , and withdraw for times like this or vacation or whatvever . So I will see what my surgeon says and go from there I guess. I also have the option of going back earlyish and doing respite shifts but I think I'd rather be at home while I get to grips with healing and the whole food and vits and fluids process . As most of you will know , trying to get myself and my six year old son out the door in the morning and be at work on time is like a full time shift already !!! So I dont fancy doing that while im getting my head around all this other stuff !!!
But yeah I just wondered about the actual healing part , like if im bending a lot or moving someone around on a bed etc etc ...can I hurt myself still around 3 or 4 weeks out ?
Thanks again girls x
I am a PSW and do home care as well. I just had my surgery in February and I was put off for 6 weeks by Dr Klein. I was off 7 weeks all together and the first couple shifts I was absolutely exhausted. I also work full time with 12 hour shifts. I work 6 shifts biweekly. I do 4 on with 1 off, then 2 on and a week off. I work 72 hours during my work week.
Hi I am a PSW and they would not let me go bac****il 8 weeks were up. Each surgeon is different and it will depend on how the operation goes. The operation was over 5 hours for me. I wanted to go back at 4 weeks felt great but I had to have a doctor note and could not get it. You will need to talk to the doctor after the operation. Be ready for 6 weeks at lest

This November will be 5 years. There were just complications of scar tissues and some cysts that had to be taken care of that were in the way. i was ill for 2 years afterwards before they figure out what was wrong but I am fine and not once have i had any regrets. Love my new life and you will to. Just follow the rules and listen to them. You will fine