What are you eating/doing today? (Saturday)

on 7/4/14 10:03 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

13 months post op

steps 11560


Good morning,

Today will be a little busy, We are off to drop Jasper off for his "SPA" day (lucky dog)! Alittle bit of shopping at Bulk Barn and Koffee Korner. Pick the dog up and home for lunch. Then we will spend the rest of the day evening down at SunFest...I think I need some new summer dresses...hehe.

So Dh was really late getting home last night. I had fresh cherries in the fridge that had to be used up, so I made a huge batch of cherry jam. Mind I will not be eating this as the sugar content is way too high, but I will be giving it away to family and friends. Cooking is my way to blow off steam. I make big batches of this kind of stuff and then give it away  

What is everyone else doing on this beautiful Saturday?


B- 1/2 banana, 1 egg muffin (thanks for this idea Karen :) ) protein coffee

S_ source yogurt

L- Cloverleaf snack size tuna, 1/2 cup tomato, cuke, avacado salad

D- ?? not sure, will be at the park, but will pack protein bar and some veggis and hummus

S- greek yogurt w/ cherries


Be well everyone








on 7/4/14 11:42 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Tanya. Sunfest sounds like a lot of fun. Off shortly with the dog for a walk. I started off not having much to do today and after talking to my husband last night found all sorts of errands to do. Having trouble getting started.

b greek yogurt, granola, raspberries

l left over ribs, yogurt

s apple

d not sure

I will have to up-date as I go





Karen M.
on 7/5/14 12:32 am - Mississauga, Canada

Good morning!

Up too late last night, moving a little slowly today. No rest for the wicked as they say. (Don't know who "they" are, but okay)

Not too much planned for today (I'm secretly a little happy that Andrew had to work today so he didn't suggest camping again so soon LOL) but I do have some housework that NEEDS to be done. It never ceases to amaze me at how much hair my cat deposits on my hardwood floors. He seriously needs to learn to push a Swiffer.

8 years post-op

B - coffee with cream x 3 over the morning, iogo 0%

S - 1 slice whole grain toast with 2 strips bacon, 1 scrambled egg, sliced tomato

L - 3 oz tuna mixed with some mayo, onion and celery, 1/2 a Flatout Foldit, tomato/cucumber/feta salad

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - BBQ pork tenderloin, veggie stir-fry

S - likely a couple of cheese & crackers, pickle, green grapes

Have a wonderful Saturday!




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