Completed Tests

Wesley T.
on 7/4/14 2:01 pm - Canada



I have a question regarding completed testing. I already see a top doctor at Toronto Western for Endocrinology for underlying medical issue. I have been cleared for GBS by my pituitary specialist. My question is this; I already have within a years time completed recently for various tests in the system

- Comprehensive blood work (I have 13 vials of blood withdrawn from me at Toronto Western every 6 months for my pituitary tumor)

- I already have been seeing a Psychologist for social anxiety for 3 years now who has agreed to send her opinions of favoring me for this surgery

- Endoscopy - I am already completing one this August 09 for my Specialist

- I have just had an ECG completed 2 weeks ago, and an angiogram of my heart 2 years ago

Since all of these records are in our electronic patient files in the OHIP system, has anyone ever had tests completed before the process where they were used to progress faster? I completely understand if they will want to redo their own tests yet again, and I am fine and prepared to. It was just a question. 


(deactivated member)
on 7/4/14 3:24 pm

Its great that you have most of the tests done ect, but unfortunately it will not speed up the process. This surgery is a basically first come first serve, as there are several people wanting this surgery... also there may be some who are worse off that may go ahead of you. You could see if they have a cancellation list that you could go on, but then again, there are usually quite a few on the cancellation list too. You will hear this alot, be patient, educate yourself on the surgery as much as you can, also start practicing better eating habits, like no pop, change to decaf ... lower your portions ect ect ect .... also most clinics will require a sleep study. Buckle down for a long wait, but it will be well worth it in the end. From start to finish I was 1.5 years. Good luck and keep us posted

Karen M.
on 7/5/14 12:09 am - Mississauga, Canada

You would think it would be in OHIP's best interest if they would accept prior tests, yes. This is something to investigate. Many years ago, prior to the Bariatric Registry and the required sets of appointments, I was cleared for surgery with notes and reports from doctors, specialists and an obesity specialist doctor.

It would be worth asking the question.




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 7/5/14 12:28 am - Marmora, Canada

Hi welcome to the site! 

Some of the test they will most likely look at but the ECG is only good for 30 days so you will have a few of them over the process. The blood work is very unique and some are only done with the bariatric clinics. (Not usually covered by ohip) like the others have said you are going to do some waiting and everyone has too but it is a great time of reflection and education.

Wesley T.
on 7/5/14 5:59 am - Canada

Thank you for the replies. I already have two sleep studies confirming my CPAP issues from a year and a half now. I cannot stand my machine, but I wear it as told.  I have been waiting already two and a half years, since 2011 when I had my transphenoidal brain surgery to be 'cleared' even to apply for Bariatric Surgery, so I have been studying up for years on this operation, its mental games and talked regularly to friends I know who had it done. 

My GP and Specialists are the ones, with my consent are wanting to fast track me. 

on 7/5/14 1:45 pm - St.Thomas, Canada

I had already had scopes done and the clinic asked me to bring a copy of the findings with me or to have my doc fax it in. They did say it had to be less then 5 years old though. I brought them copies of all my tests I had had in the last 5 years because I have some medical issues. They were extremely thrilled I did that. They apparently could see these things on their computer (which I figured they could). Maybe because I live too far away? 

Wesley T.
on 7/6/14 12:53 am - Canada

Once again, just want to reiterate I do not seek to skip the many many people awaiting for over a year, some cases alot lot longer for this operation. 

Any doctor can send their memo of 'support' for this operation, but the cues in line will always be there. I don't expect anything dramatic. Just a Karen you had said above, if these tests are already completed in the EHealth records of our OHIP system, why re request them to clog up another doctors waiting room for something already done and  valid? 

I wouldn't be the first applicant or the last. So the system must have a policy for this...

What some on the wait list see as someone 'else 'flying through' might be surprised to know that someone might actually have had multiple tests completed, a patient familiar in the system and organizationally makes sense doing so. 

Karen M.
on 7/6/14 1:08 am - Mississauga, Canada




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