I don't believe it

on 7/4/14 10:26 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

You can tell me the truth any day. I know it will come from a position of caring. I have been blocked but the person who blocked me does not post anymore. I out lasted him. LOL





Karen M.
on 7/4/14 10:28 am - Mississauga, Canada

Ha! I've outlasted MANY who have blocked me now that I think about it. Then they come back with a new ID and forget to block me yet again. Oops!



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/4/14 11:36 am - Canada

lol us old timers seem to out last these people. you can be honest with me anytime.

Mary Gee
on 7/4/14 10:48 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

I remember her post a while ago about calling and calling, but I believe she said she was being super polite.  I will call a doctor's office back if the secretary says "call back tomorrow to follow-up" or "I understand you're anxious - call as often as you like" -- but I would never abuse their courtesy.  Yes, sometimes things get overlooked - but if you call and call, secretaries can become irked because they're so busy and numerous calls delay them.  And, BTW, I'm always very polite when I make calls - that should be the norm.

The WLS process is a slow one - and there are numerous hoops to jump through.  And most require a psych exam.  

So when the medical office calls and says "Jump" -- my response would be "How High?"    I hit a few brick walls along the way: Showing up for a much delayed appt. to see the "sleep apnea" doctor and the doctor wasn't there that week - nobody called me to reschedule as they should have.  I had to wait another month for a new appt.   Meeting with my cardio who was anti WLS.  I also lucked out with my NUT appt. - I was scheduled for an appt. two months out - but I happened to be at the hospital for another appt. one day so I stopped by her office and voila - she had a cancellation for the next morning and I was able to grab that appt.  

But you know - we all want the surgery ASAP, and it's very frustrating when we run into delays.  But it's worth the wait.  So, I wish Zizzler the best of luck.  



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 7/4/14 11:49 am - Canada

It is so worth the wait and I can remember a person telling me while I was waiting use the time to learn what I can. It can be a long journey but it is even a longer journey afterwards. It is a life journey and you just have to be ready for the changes that will be coming. It is worth it. love my new life and I wish you all the best on your journey. run with it and love it

on 7/4/14 12:06 pm - Canada

When I started this process 6 years ago, the wait in Ontario was 4-7 years... If you got the call in to Guelph at the right time... I was lucky, approved for US surgery 2 days before they cut off... The 18 month wait with all the amazing helpful steps would have been great... I read, rarely respond, but this one floors me... Highland Bear.. We have walked the walk, but what the hell do we know?  Great post, honesty is sometimes mistaken as mean.. I appreciate honesty!! 

on 7/4/14 12:39 pm
DS on 11/11/14

I was also blocked. I may have been the mean one, who knows? I just call em as I see em. My hope is after she calms down, she'll realize what I said was true - she was being a big baby. Acting like a spoiled 13 yr old brat just doesn't fly in the grown up world unless your daddy is a millionaire, or you're a pro athlete ;)

Honestly her posts were red flags to me, imagine what the doc's office must have thought? Oh well. I wish her the best and hope it all clicks for her.

Wesley T.
on 7/4/14 1:15 pm - Canada

I debated to say anything about this as I am a newbie and I did not read the interactions from prior months etc... 

There is something in Organizational Behaviour called "Group Think". It is what happens when everyone goes along as 'hunky doory' as if everything is fine. Colleagues, co workers and everyone approve paper works and discussions without 'wanting to rock the boat'... This can be very dangerous when nobody speaks their mind that counters the passive audience. Not to compare, but Group Think was termed after the Shuttle Challenger diaster back in 1986. So many scientists and board directors passed along reports as to not make one level of management angry with something they did not want to hear. 

on 7/4/14 9:26 pm - Canada

Newbie are always welcome to to join in and take part and I am glad you did because I think what you wrote is very interesting and I hope people read what you wrote. It can be dangerous when people do not speak there minds here and be honest. Yes it can hurt but when you sit back and read it with a clear open mind you will see that most of us just care and are trying to help. Us old timers have read a lot and we can see the red flags and we don't want to see anyone fail. I do wish you the best as you go through this journey. It is a long road to get there but when it is done than you are on a new journey that will be so wonderful and open so many new doors and life can be amazing. You will be doing things you never thought you would or could. All the best 

Karen M.
on 7/5/14 12:43 am - Mississauga, Canada

You're welcome to say anything you want, newbie or not.

You're right about "Group Think". This forum, along with every other one, is susceptible to this. Add to the mixture a group of people reaching out for support for a same life-changing surgery, a same level of anxiety, a same painful medical and emotional past, and you have yourself a potentially damaging group who just may agree with things that they *wish* were true.

Good point.



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