New Member! North Bay

Wesley T.
on 7/3/14 3:05 pm - Canada


Hello! I seem to be one of the few "dudes" on here. Although I am here like all of you looking for some support in this journey we are all on... Weight has always been a big issue for me, been on it all Atkins lost 50 lbs and then it all yo yo's back. We all know that one right? Then, as the years went on I could still work out go to good life, drink protein shakes, cut the starches carbs, sugars and sodas for a year and I only lost 22 lbs. However I always hover around the 303 to where I am now 289 ish' mark. My metabolism will just NOT budge along with my stomach girth. I have hyper hydrosis on it all, so times at good life I was giving er' and they'd whip out the good ol' Shop Vac and such up the sweat dripping down to the floor. I was so embaressed. Yet so defeated, I am happy that there is Gastric Bypass because I don't know what else there is for me to do. 

I had my referral June 17 14, Completed questionnaire sent, and called not to long ago for my Orientation Apt Sept 03 14. 

I've been reading literature, joining groups on the net, continuing my exercises, and just finished the Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies book. Very informative. Holy hannah! This is large. 

I'm Wes :0) 


SURGEON APT: FEB 06/15 SURGERY DATE: APRIL 13/15 HW: 333 (Pre-Optifast) CW: 260.5


on 7/3/14 3:36 pm - St.Thomas, Canada

Hi Wes! 

Welcome to the group!

Karen M.
on 7/3/14 7:30 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Welcome! This is indeed large, all of it. Do lots of reading, ask lots of questions - you've found a great place for support.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

Derek C.
on 7/3/14 9:59 pm - North Bay , Canada

Welcome - im from north bay as well - 3 yrs out - If you have any questions - dont hesiate to ask 








Surgery Date - AUGUST 22, 2011 - Ran first 5KM Race - Oct 14, 2012 (28 min)  - Currently maintaining a healthy 190 lbs and training for my first half marathon in the summer of 2013








on 7/3/14 10:19 pm

Hi - I am fairly new too. Having my surgery next Thursday (eeeekkk). 

My advice is to do lots of research and start living now how you want to after surgery to make the transition smoother. I met the surgeon March 18th and started to transition the next week, got a personal trainer - started low carb/high protein etc. I have lost 47lb! My recovery is going to be much easier than if I kept old habits up until starting my Opti.

Good luck on your journey :-)

on 7/3/14 10:33 pm - Arnprior, Canada

Hi Wes, yes, I agree, the "Dudes" are a minority on this site, but there are several regulars that post.  But everyone on this site has been where you've been and understands your past present and future.

You'll find this group a great place to find support, information, and friendship.  I'm not trying to scare you, but your journey has just started.  You'll have ups, downs and lots of hurry up and waits.  Some things you can get quicker, others you just have to wait for.

I understand how it feels to do a lot of work and not get anywhere.  At one point, I would do Tae Kwon Do every lunch time for an hour 5 days a week, and on Fridays go for 3 hours of workout.  And I never got smaller.  I'm 3 years out, and I don't remember being my weight, or wearing this size, ever.  I know I was 220 when I graduated high school, and today I'm 205.  I'll eventually see a 1 in there, but it will take time.  I'm not too worried about it.

One piece of advice that I will give you now.  Don't worry too much about the scale.  The NSV (Non Scale Victories) are much more important than a number.

I wish you luck on your journey.



on 7/4/14 8:30 am - Canada

Welcome to the group....


Started Optifast April 8, 2014, and had surgery May 6, 2014 @ St. Joe's, Toronto, Dr. Lindsay

Wesley T.
on 7/4/14 1:35 pm - Canada

Hey two more dudes! That makes three of us I've seen thus far on the board. Nice to meet you all. I do greatly appreciate each of your responses that you had taken the time to welcome me to these boards. I didn't gloss over each of your responses in reading. There are many layers here I have yet to learn and break through... I will make an effort to get to know you all better. I am every happy we have an Ontario forum. Thank you! 

on 7/6/14 3:52 pm - Harriston , Canada

Ah a little I miss the Bay!! Moved there is 1999 to go to Canadore and I had to leave in 2005 Just couldnt get a job I loved! I wish I had never left. But welcome boys, all of you! I am almost 2 years out, my husband is almost 5 years out, he is on here someplace just not very active... Good luck with everything, keep us posted.

Mary A.
on 7/9/14 5:47 am

although I am not a dude welcome from way over here in Thunder Bay.

prior to surgery 323lbs....4 years post-op maintaining between 108- 114 lb loss. 

life is AMAZING when you continue on the right path~!.  Use your surgeons gift to the fullest~!

surgery done in Duluth, MN

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