What are you eating/doing today?(Thursday)

on 7/2/14 10:36 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

13 months post op

Steps 16895


Good morning,

Looks like a beauty of a day today!

Not sure what I am doing today.... no more closets to organize. Actually, I have a couple of junk draws I can clean out, yup thats what I will do today! And I think I will go for a bike ride today as well.

Jasper is off the Prednisone (SP?) so we will see what happens. If the lump thing comes back, it will be surgery... fingers crossed it doesn't come back. He has put on alot of weight from the meds, so the goal is more walks for him and I. He doesn't get many treats, except for some of my chicken or veggies. He also loves frozen blueberries, but no dog treats.

So I did really well with the no grazing yesterday...until evening came. Why are evening harder?  Something to work on.

What is everyone else up to??


B- small banana w/ 1 tsp peanut butter, 1/2 cup source yogurt

S-1 cup homemade ice cap with protein powder

L- Chicken breast on 1/2 a Foldit w/ habenaro cheese,onion and mushrooms, sauce will be diced tomato w/ Franks Red Hot Sauce

S- other cup of ice cap with protein powder

D- 3 oz haddock baked with 1/2 cup sweet kale salad

S- 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt w/ SF pudding powder mix in


Be well everyone








on 7/2/14 10:58 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning Tanya. Must be hard with all your new found time. I mentioned yesterday we were having the water turned off. We called last night at 11pm so it should have been off by 7:00am. But it seems they came and we did not have a light on so they went away. Now they do not need to go into the house they just need to turn it off at the street!. So we have a plumber coming at 9:30 this morning and no idea if they will come back in time to turn off the water. So yet another delay in getting this damn water meter done!!. I just feel kind of defeated this morning. Must not eat my feelings. I will not give in. Or so I hope.

b protein+ with skim milk and strawberries

s chick peas

l chicken, yogurt, baby bel

s pure protein bar

d chili, ww toast.

s cherries

Have a good day everyone





on 7/3/14 2:33 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Your water dilama is crazy! I would feel defeated as well. I hope it is fixed soon.







on 7/2/14 11:28 pm

Morning :)

I guess this is sort of a cross post - I started a thread and than thought maybe this would be a better choice... (sorry if I goofed that up - don't mean to be a postin-fool)

But could use all the help or suggestions I can get - because I've given it a few days now on my own - and I just don't feel the warm and fuzzys about what I am doing..

So this is it...in a nutshell.

Sample Menu -

Wake Up Pepcid and Heprin Shot

B - 2 oz of Oatmeal - 2 oz of protein shake ( premier + protein powder mixed in) and if I can 1 oz of yogurt with protein mixed in.... 15 minutes between ounces...takes an hour to hour and a half to eat my meals as suggested (multi vitamin and B12)

S - this i**** and miss - but usually protein drink ( with the Extra Whey Protein mixed in (cal cium + D)

L - 2 oz of cream soup - 2 oz of protein drink..sometimes 1 oz of cottage cheese mixed into the soup

S - ugggggg by the time i finish my lunch it feels like it's snack time already ( feels like I need to wake up at 5 to start this routine off!!) (calcium and D)

D - more soup and cottage cheese - protein drink ( gettin tired of this already) (Multi V itamin)

S - yogurt with protein added - or frozen crystal light pop with protein mixed - or pudding with protein added....(sigh) ( another Calcium and D)

Fluids.... This is my concern - they say 64oz - THATS A FRIGGIN LOT! :( that's like 5 cans worth or 8 cups....how?? How do you all do it?? or am I supposed to be able too? Im only getting like 3..and im sippin sippin sippin ...

Overall I feel ok - unless I get off schedule and miss my feeding longer than usual than I tired out till I nourish again...

Thanks Guys REALLY appreciate the thoughts,


Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

Karen M.
on 7/2/14 11:51 pm - Mississauga, Canada

You've brought me right back to my first days over 8 years ago! lol

Your menu is excellent. You're doing exactly as you should. I know it seems to take forever to get everything in - eating and drinking is your new full-time job. As for the fluids, you have to keep at it. Take a water bottle wherever you are and sip constantly.

Hang in there!




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/3/14 2:37 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

It will get better! I felt just like you do for the first 4 to 6 weeks. keep up the good work! 








Karen M.
on 7/3/14 12:05 am - Mississauga, Canada

Morning all :)

A little slow moving this morning, not sure what's up with that. Not like I ran a marathon yesterday or anything but I did have a terrible on again/off again sleep. I had the strangest dream that my Misfit kept flying off my wrist and I was scrambling to catch it - perhaps I need to move more?? LOL! Off to an appointment early afternoon, not sure what else really.

Tanya, nights are the worst for impulse eating. It's like the sun goes down and the nibblies come out. For me I think it's keeping busy, or at least occupied, in the evening instead of heading to a comfy chair and the TV.

Pat, your water situation just continues to suck, doesn't it? Cripes, I'm annoyed FOR you.

8 years post-op

B - coffee with cream x 2, iogo 0%

S - 1 egg scrambled with a little grated cheddar, sliced tomatoes, 1 slice bacon

L - 3 oz tuna, 1 T mayo, green onion, celery, 1 slice whole grain toast, sliced cucumbers

S - Chike protein iced coffee

D - not sure, so likely a Lean Cuisine chicken and veggies - go to meal if I'm unsure so I don't graze the evening away

Have a great one,

K. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/3/14 2:40 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Your right, night time is the worst! tonight I will get on the stationary bike everytime i get bored or feel like nibbling.







Karen M.
on 7/3/14 2:45 am - Mississauga, Canada

Good plan. I find mentally challenging things helpful to me. Hence I play a lot of Words With Friends. Or play cards with my friend Andrew. Whatever works.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/3/14 1:27 am

lol Thanks Karen for the Smile! Glad I took you down memory lane :)~

This board has been a lifesaver of information and encouragement.

Hope you all have a FABULOUS Day!

Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

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