Holy Shamoley

on 7/2/14 4:39 am - Canada

Some of you know my story, but for those who don't, I'll give a brief breakdown.  I applied October of 2012 for WLS and like everyone else, jumped through the hoops and waited.

Then last October I got diagnosed with high grade non invaisve papillary bladder cancer.  It's under control...things are good.  But Dr. Yelle told me in March that I need to be two years cancer free before having WLS.  I was flipping out...because my oncologist wants me to have this surgery ASAP...the cancer is high grade, 80% chance of re-ocurring.  If we get to a point where he needs to take my bladder out before the cancer spreads, he wants me in the best possible health.

So...I ran to my oncologist, he called Dr. Yelle and after some humming and hawing, Dr. Yelle said ok, but sleeve only...no RNY.

Then two weeks ago, I got a nasty virus that took away my hearing and it looks like it will be permanent.  I'm a basket case dealing with this sudden hearing loss...

Today they contacted me with my surgery date!!  August 18th!!!!

What a flippin' roller coaster ride this has all been.

But I feel so blessed and so happy that surgery is finally scheduled.

I'll be here on the board as the days go by and kepp y'all updated.  Wish me luck!

Wheeeeee!   Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!   Moooommmmmmmyyyyyyyyy!

Referral Oct 2012~Orientation May 31/13 at Ottawa Civic~Dr.Dent assessment July 16~Nutritionist and Behaviorist Sept 17~ Ultrasound Oct 17~Second appointment with Nutritionist and Behaviorist Nov 6~Approval for RNY!!~BLADDER CANCER DISCOVERED~Currently undergoing treatment for cancer, plans switched from RNY to sleeve...~GOT DATE FOR SURGERY...AUGUST 18th, 2014 with Dr. Yelle*....February 7/17...2.5 years post up and doing great. Starting process for OHIP funded panniculectomy...


Karen M.
on 7/2/14 4:51 am - Mississauga, Canada

Just WOW. You have been through so many challenges and yet, here you are! VERY best wishes to you - please let me know if I can offer any advice or support, we are here for you!




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/2/14 5:25 am - Arnprior, Canada

You are definitely on a roller coaster ride right now.  Sorry for all the downs, but it does makes the ups that much sweeter.

I can understand how the sudden hearing loss can be a challenge to deal with.  I hope someone has directed you to counseling and assitance for it.  You have had to deal with a lot since 2012.  I hope you have a smoother journey here on in.



on 7/2/14 7:20 am - Canada
On July 2, 2014 at 12:25 PM Pacific Time, Catw wrote:

You are definitely on a roller coaster ride right now.  Sorry for all the downs, but it does makes the ups that much sweeter.

I can understand how the sudden hearing loss can be a challenge to deal with.  I hope someone has directed you to counseling and assitance for it.  You have had to deal with a lot since 2012.  I hope you have a smoother journey here on in.


Thanks...I'm actually pretty fortunate because my older brother is Deaf, and I was born Deaf in one ear.  Pop a hearing aid in, read a bunch of lips and I was good to go.  Now with ALL of my hearing gone, I'm doing better than I could have hoped for.  I can keep my job (manager very understanding), and I read lips really well.  In fact, most of the customers I've dealt with at work don't know I'm Deaf...it's pretty cool how fast I've adapted.

Referral Oct 2012~Orientation May 31/13 at Ottawa Civic~Dr.Dent assessment July 16~Nutritionist and Behaviorist Sept 17~ Ultrasound Oct 17~Second appointment with Nutritionist and Behaviorist Nov 6~Approval for RNY!!~BLADDER CANCER DISCOVERED~Currently undergoing treatment for cancer, plans switched from RNY to sleeve...~GOT DATE FOR SURGERY...AUGUST 18th, 2014 with Dr. Yelle*....February 7/17...2.5 years post up and doing great. Starting process for OHIP funded panniculectomy...


on 7/2/14 6:33 am

Glad to hear you got a date, you have been through so much.  Hey we may be pretty close in surgery dates, I am hoping to get my date any day, probably will be in August.  

on 7/2/14 7:21 am - Canada
On July 2, 2014 at 1:33 PM Pacific Time, Zizzler wrote:

Glad to hear you got a date, you have been through so much.  Hey we may be pretty close in surgery dates, I am hoping to get my date any day, probably will be in August.  

Oh wow hun...let me know, eh?  Maybe we'll waltz with our i.v. poles together down the hall post op, competing to see who farts the first or the most.

Referral Oct 2012~Orientation May 31/13 at Ottawa Civic~Dr.Dent assessment July 16~Nutritionist and Behaviorist Sept 17~ Ultrasound Oct 17~Second appointment with Nutritionist and Behaviorist Nov 6~Approval for RNY!!~BLADDER CANCER DISCOVERED~Currently undergoing treatment for cancer, plans switched from RNY to sleeve...~GOT DATE FOR SURGERY...AUGUST 18th, 2014 with Dr. Yelle*....February 7/17...2.5 years post up and doing great. Starting process for OHIP funded panniculectomy...


on 7/2/14 10:18 am

That would be fun - hee hee hee.  When I get my date I will shout it from the rooftops I will be so happy! 

on 7/2/14 7:58 am - London, Canada
RNY on 06/25/12

Wow. Just wow. You have been through a lot and I admire your strength. I am glad you have a date and I hope this will help your life and your health. 

Good luck with everything!! I truly wish you all the best


Keeping off 133 lbs since 2012!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: May 2011   /   Surgery (HRRH): June 25, 2012         

on 7/2/14 11:45 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I hope your surgery goes well





on 7/2/14 2:53 pm

I wish you all the best! With all that has been thrown at you, you still have such a positive attitude! That shows how awesome you'll succeed!!! Congrats!

Referral~March 5/13 Orientation~Apr 24/13 SW~June 10/13 RN~Aug 7/13 Sleep Clinic~ Aug 16/13 Sleep Dr~ Sept 3/13 Nut Class~Oct 1/13 Dietician/2nd Sleep Clinic~Nov 1/13 Psych~Nov 8/13 2nd Sleep Dr~Dec 3/13 Surgeon~Dec 6/13 Surgery~Apr 15/14

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