What are you eating/doing today? (Wednesday)

Karen M.
on 7/1/14 10:01 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Good morning :)

Heading out for a walk in a few minutes - have to get it in before it either gets too freakin' humid or storms, it's looking a little iffy out there. Domestic goddess duties today and a trip to the grocery store - all of a sudden I'm out of absolutely everything fresh! Some of the herbs in my garden are (finally) doing quite well, anxious for the tomatoes to really get going, I'd rather have garden fresh than grocery store freshish. lol

8 years post-op

B - coffee with cream x 3 over the morning, iogo 0%, Chike protein iced coffee

S - 1 whole grain toast with 1 scrambled egg, 1 slice bacon, slice of tomato, slice of red onion

L - whole wheat wrap spread with cream cheese and stuffed with cucumbers, peppers, red onion, tomato, fresh basil

S - handful of cherries, a few almonds, slice of brie on melba toast

D - grilled shrimp and veggies, 1/3 cup quinoa/edamame/green onion mix

S - not sure

Have a happy hump day



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/1/14 10:12 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

13 months post op

steps 9655


Good morning

OPPS! We will use this thread

So this last week or so has not been good for for me eating wise. When I was working I had a routine that I stuck with, I have strayed from that routine and found myseld nibbling and grazing during the day. Today I commit myself to getting back to a routine and schedule!

I also found I am not as active, so I am also committing to get more active, more walks, weights ( I have a home gym that I haven't touched in 3 weeks). In the evenings if I want to watch tv, I will do so while pedalling my ass on the stationary bike!

What is everyone one else up to today?


B- 1 egg muffin w/ ham, tomato, onion, 1 sl WW dry toast

S- homemade ice cap w/ a scoop of protein powder blended in it

L-1/4 cup sweet kale salad w/ Cloverleaf snack size Spice Peanut tuna

S- other 1/2 of homemade ice cap

D- 3 oz chicken breast w/ 1/4 cup sweet kale salad

S- 1/3 cup FF cottage cheese w/ 10 cherries

Be well everyone








on 7/1/14 10:15 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Karen, suppose to storm here later today as well!

What is Chike coffee? 

Happy hump day to you as well.









Karen M.
on 7/1/14 10:21 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Hey Tanya :)

Chike is the brand name of a protein shake company. I'm in love with the iced coffee - it does NOT feel like I'm drinking protein.

Was reading just now about how you need to get back into a routine - you are SO right. For me personally I need routine of some sort to keep on track with my eating. Too much free time can lead to too much grazing.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/2/14 1:43 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Where do I find this Chike Protein Coffee?







Karen M.
on 7/2/14 2:25 am - Mississauga, Canada

I ordered it directly from Chike: http://chikenutrition.com/buy-chike.html

My Canadian address won't work on the site, so I sent them an email telling them what I wanted to buy and they phoned me and did it that way. Very fast delivery which was $14.95 for up to 4 pounds of product.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Karen M.
on 7/2/14 4:54 am - Mississauga, Canada

P.S. Check your inbox.



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/1/14 10:43 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all. Went to an out door concert in the park yesterday. It was so hot! But I will not complain. It is not snowing.

Working today. Hopefully lots to do

Our water will be turned off tonight. Our continuing saga of trying to get our water meter installed. Hopefully this is the last the plumber will have to do. Unfortunately the city gives you an 8 hour window when they will show up. So tonight we will put in to have it shut off so tomorrow when the plumber comes we can have the work done then have to wait up to 8 hours to have it turned back on.

b greek yogurt, granola, rhubarb

s baby bel, chick peas

l chicken, yogurt

s pure protein bar

d salmon patty, asparagus, salad

s cherries

cal 1133 carb 126.4, prot 98.4





Karen M.
on 7/1/14 11:12 pm, edited 7/1/14 11:27 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Water off would drive me nuts - hopefully this will be the end of the plumbing job!

There was major construction right next to my old office building a few years ago and the water had to be turned off for the morning. I arrived at work to find a note taped to the front door: "Sorry for the incontinence". LOL



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 7/1/14 11:32 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

About a year ago we were told by the city we had to have a water meter put in. We booked the appointment and they came out. They told us our pipes were too old we would have to have a piece of pipe put in. So we decided to have all the pipes replaced. When the last of it was to be done we found out the city could not turn our water off at the street. We put in to have it fixed. In the mean time the plumber put in an extra turn off inside to finish off. When we had them come about the meter they said we could not have two turn offs. So we waited and waited. The city came this spring with no notice and turned the water off to fix outside. The left it off because we had to be home when they turned it on. So with no warning we had no water. They came that night at 12:30. We are hoping this is the last time to have it off and will be able to finally get the stupid water meter.





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