Survived and Back Home

on 6/30/14 12:02 am

Wow what a wild ride!! 

Im the type of person who is always trying to be over-prepared for everything - I hate surprises.

This all surprised me...right up to walking myself into the operating room- thank goodness for the nice nurse who held my hand all the way down the hallway - or I might have bolted haha

All in all I'm ok. Tired and uncomfortable but everything is bearable.  Even the hour plus to eat a couple of those medicine cups worth of yogurt ( YUM) and today I had some oatmeal ( Double YUM!)

Saturday I thought OMG WHAT HAVE I DONE TO MYSELF!!?? but everyday is a little better and I'm keeping my thoughts positive and on the prize...I wouldn't change my decision.  I needed to do this, I had to do this for me  - and I did it.  I survived.  THe hard part is over I keep telling myself.  

Time to move forward - but wow...what a Ride!

Thank Everyone for having such a wonderful community here, some place to come and read and not feel so alone on this journey - it really is helpful and reassuring when you feel sort of lost.

((GIANT Hugs - soon to be smaller hugs one day!))

Time for a Nap,


Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

on 6/30/14 12:20 am - Ottawa, Canada

Congratulations!  Be proud of yourself and all you've done so far. :)  Can't wait to be "on the other side" with you.

Stay strong!


on 6/30/14 12:32 am - Arnprior, Canada

Welcome to the bench!  You have made it over the scariest part of our journey, the moment of change.  This doesn't mean that the rest of the journey will be easy, but it won't be as scary as the last couple minutes before surgery.

I am 3 years out, and I still don't regret surgery.  Best choice I made in my life, and it was for me.  I did it all for me.  The side effects are good too (being able to do more with my kids) but I'm so much better than I was 5 years ago.

Rest when you need to, walk when you can, keep sipping, eat a bit and enjoy.



on 6/30/14 2:02 pm - Canada

Hi and welcome aboard the bench

I just got here as of last Thursday so you and are are eaing buddies hahahha. I dont think I can handle the cream of wheat yet but did manage my 3 botles of Boost today and almost all my pills and then as a treat a 1/4 cup Greek Yoghurt plain

Yes still a bit uncomfortable and sore and tired easily, cant wait till the stitches come out this Wednsday hahah then diving nto the bahtub for a shower.

Take care and stay cool, Have fun


on 7/1/14 11:19 pm

Thanks for the encouragement Tes, Cat and Almostthere...such true words

Tes youll be there soon - my date creeped up super fast on me - and even the 3 weeks on opti flew by surprisingly!

Cat - I've followed and read your posts for the last year! You're an inspiration for all youve done and the wisdom you continue to share! thank you for that!

Ooooo Almostthere - how you doing? I'm already SICK of the full liquids stage haha and im soooo confused! I'm eatting out of those medicine cups they give you at the hospital still..I try to get 4-5 into me at each meal ( usually 1.5 oz of oatmeal - 1 yogurt and 2 protein shake ounces....and it takes me an hour and a half ( 1 every 15 minutes) It's driving me slowly crazy...i need these 2 weeks to fly by....I'm sitting here right now trying to talk myself into going downstairs and plating my shooter cups up haha but im so not are you doing it?

Im nervous and worried im not doing this right :( but trying to leave my faith and trust in doing what the booklet says....blah!

Referral Aug27 013   Confirmed Oct 12 2013  Orientation Jan6 2014 (HRRH)  1st Surgeon Appt Jan18 2014 + BloodWork  SW/RN/RD Feb14 2013 Dr Glazier Mar6 2014 Surgery June 27 2014

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