Barrie-Area Newbie What now?
My doctor put through my referral today. I'm excited - it's a lifeline! I'm in my early 30's with a BMI of 50, no other health issues.
Is there anyone from the area that can walk me through what happens? My doctor wasn't sure - she said "eventually" someone would be in touch. I know this is a slow process, I'm just curious as to what will happen. I'm assuming an 18 month (or so) wait time for surgery?
I'm guessing you get newbies all the time asking these questions. ANY info would be great.
It's good to estimate 18 months just in case. But I was 6 months from start to finish. And my friend just applied May 7th and is done all tests and having surgery In like 3 days!!!! So less than 2 months. But I told her secrets to get through faster (Hrrh).
So once the bariatric centre gets it they phone you with a date to go to orientation. It is a slideshow and a nurse discussing the risks and benefits of surgery to make sure you know what it is about and that it isn't an easy fix. Once you finish this couple hour presentation they ask if you still want to go ahead? If so you sign a form saying you were shown and still want to and wait for te bariatric centre I call.
Once they do, you get assigned with a surgeon and an appointment to meet your doctor. I got Dr Huynh and so happy too he is awesome. Once you go they let you know the risks and what is entailed again and then set up your other appointments.
Those are nutritionist, social worker, nurse practitioner and medical internist (who gives you the ok for surgery) Dr Glazer.
Afyer that you meet with the surgeon one last time to book the surgery which is usually 2-4 weeks from then. And you must buy optifast to take yor liquid diet for 14-30 days, depending on your weight. (I weighed 300 and I got 14 days.)
Days before surgery you go to PATTS and get like 16 viles of blood taken and talk to anesthesiologist.
Then.... Surgery!!!!!!
then 2 days in hospital and back home yo do your 2 week liquid post op diet. Mind you, my friend says they aren't even keeping her ok next week. It's surgery and that night you leave now unless you have a problem! Crazy.
I can give you tips to get it done faster. Inbox me.
No problem at all!! I was there not long ago. ACTUALLY!!!!--today is my one year surgerversarry! (Sp?) lol.
Well they will recommend 2-6 weeks off depending on how strenuous your job is. I had mine done on Wednesday June 26 2013. I came back to work at my office job 12 hours a day Thursday July 4th. So 8 days total. My boyfriend's aunt had her surgery 1 day after me and was off work for 6 weeks!!!! I can't believe it. She does assembly line stuff in a factory so I don't know, maybe she really needed it. But if you have to tell your work ahead, then I would estimate 2 weeks.
You need to make sure you have your meals prepared for work, and are tolerating food and not vomiting or feeling sick. Which I was fine with. I never even threw up until months later and it was my own fault for eating the wrong thing or too much. But it's a learning experience and you will learn how your body is just fine.
Congrats on your one year!!!! I'd love to hear about your whole "journey" - up to today. Yes, I have email - @ gmail . com (no spaces)
I have a desk job that involves a lot of sitting at a desk and very minimal physical activity. The food thing will be my obstacle for sure - but I will do my best.
I believe I sent you a private message...
Congrats on your referral. My doctor didn't do my referral correctly the first time so unfortunately I sat around waiting for three months. So I was actually officially referred in September. I'm going through HRRH. I've been through all my appointments. I'm mid 30's but like you no other comorbidities. My surgery was originally booked for September 2014. I opted to pu**** back to November. So all in all the actual process for me would have been a year.
As advice, if you do not hear about your referral within 3 weeks, follow up. I was talking to someone in my support group that had the same thing happen with their referral. It wasn't done correctly the first time.

REFERRED: June 19, 2013, ORIENTATION: September 23, 2013,1st SURGEON (Dr. KLEIN) APPT. October 10, 2013 RN / SW / NUT: December 20, 2013 DR. GLAZER: January 7, 2014 2nd SW / NUT: February 14, 2013, 2nd SURGEON (Dr. KLEIN) APPT. March 31, 2014, 2nd APPT. DR. GLAZER: February 4, 2015 PATTS: February 19, 2015 SURGERY: March 13, 2015
Sorry mixed up my dates a bit. I was originally referred Sep. 2012. Ended up sitting around till May and followed up and was officially referred in June.

REFERRED: June 19, 2013, ORIENTATION: September 23, 2013,1st SURGEON (Dr. KLEIN) APPT. October 10, 2013 RN / SW / NUT: December 20, 2013 DR. GLAZER: January 7, 2014 2nd SW / NUT: February 14, 2013, 2nd SURGEON (Dr. KLEIN) APPT. March 31, 2014, 2nd APPT. DR. GLAZER: February 4, 2015 PATTS: February 19, 2015 SURGERY: March 13, 2015