Gaining on Opti

on 6/25/14 10:33 pm

So yesterday was my first full day of Opti and it wasn't as bad as I thought but this morning I am up two pounds from yesterday.  Wondering if this is normal.  I normally don't eat much because I am on Victoza which essentially wipes out your appetite. I suppose maybe 900 calories is more than I usually eat. I' going to avoid the scale for the a while and just do weekly weigh-ins.  

on 6/25/14 10:53 pm - Arnprior, Canada

There are many reasons you could be up.  Including (but not limited to) water retention, not having a BM before weighing, time of month, etc.  I wouldn't worry about it, especially when you just started Opti.



(deactivated member)
on 6/26/14 2:16 am

Did you honestly expect to see a huge difference after 1 day? Besides you are on Optifast to shrink your liver. You may or may not loose weight, most do loose some but it varies. 

on 6/26/14 12:21 pm - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 08/11/14

I have to ask... If you are not taking in 900 calories a day, how are you even obese?

on 6/26/14 3:08 pm

I have a condition where certain receptors in my intestines are more efficient at processing sugars.  That's why I'm getting RNY.  One thing they discovered after doing bariatric surgery for so many years is that it can cure some types of diabetes - specifically those cases where receptors in the intestines are a problem.  Before Victoza I spent a year eating less than 30 carbs a day and still had blood glucose readings in the 14-20 range.  Now I can eat small amounts of everything but Victoza is linked to certain cancers so RNY will get me off the cancer causing drugs and hopefully cure my diabetes.

it's naive to believe we all process food the same way.  As an elite athelete I've been very lucky to have acess to some amazing Drs doing cutting edge work.  Obesity is much more complicated than calories in and calories out.         Some people are obese because they make poor food choices, so because they eat too much, and many others due to metabolic disorders or side effects of medication, no to mention other medical conditions.  One of my biggest pet peeves is society thinks because you are large you must be a glutton or eating fast food everyday...but in the same way there are skinny folks who can eat atrociously there are fat folks who eat very healthy diets.

(deactivated member)
on 6/27/14 2:52 am

I think we all know what Obesity is or we wouldn't be having the wls ... we know obesity is much more than calorie in and outs. You were just asked a simple question, there was no need for a lecture...

on 6/28/14 5:36 am - Ottawa, ON, Canada

Fascinating and well stated.

Thanks for the information sharing.


it's naive to believe we all process food the same way.  As an elite athelete I've been very lucky to have acess to some amazing Drs doing cutting edge work.  Obesity is much more complicated than calories in and calories out.         Some people are obese because they make poor food choices, so because they eat too much, and many others due to metabolic disorders or side effects of medication, no to mention other medical conditions.  One of my biggest pet peeves is society thinks because you are large you must be a glutton or eating fast food everyday...but in the same way there are skinny folks who can eat atrociously there are fat folks who eat very healthy diets

Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

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