Stretched Pouch

on 6/25/14 11:06 am - Canada

Hello All,

I had gastric bypass surgery about 7 years ago. Wondering if I can get an x ray to see if I have stretched my pouch and if there is a cost?  Has anyone had this done and where did you go?  I live near Belleville, Ontario/

Diminishing Dawn if you are reading this I am still waiting for your book!!!!!

Thank you!

Karen M.
on 6/25/14 11:14 am, edited 6/25/14 11:15 am - Mississauga, Canada

I'm no doctor (only in my own mind) but I would think an endoscopy would be your best bet on that - not sure. If warranted I can't imagine there would be a cost outside of what OHIP covers. I'm more curious as to why you think you've stretched your pouch.



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Diminishing Dawn
on 6/25/14 1:25 pm, edited 6/25/14 1:25 pm - Windsor, Canada

Bwahaha. You are too funny.  

I think many of us long timers get into bad habits.  Too much sugar, too many carbs,carbonation, eating and drinking together.    Not sure if any apply to you but I'd start by eating clean again - omitting prepackaged crap.  Eliminate fake foods and sweetened.  That will help reduce bloat.  

Then sit down in a quiet distraction free spot with some protein   Eat slowly and cut up food.  Put fork down between bites.   Have a few bites of veggies.  How much can you eat til you feel satisfied?  Satisfied, not stuffed?

usually we've gotten I to bad habits.  Try that out for one week if you can.   See if you reconnect with your pouch.  Many of us have just gotten into bad habits but our pouch still works.  It's just much more difficult mentally and to get back to basics.  We have to relearn those habits again. 

If you feel after that you need support try having your doctor make a referral to a bariatric centre.  You may get to talk with a dietician etc.

good luck and message me anytime.  It is a challenge long term for many of us!



17+ years post op RNY. first year blog here or My LongTimer blog. Tummy Tuck Dr. Matic 2014 -Ohip funded panni Windsor WLS support group.message me anytime!
HW:290 LW:139 RW: 167 CW: 139

on 6/26/14 3:53 pm - Canada

Thank you ladies.  The last time I saw my bariatric surgeon was over 6 years ago.  I guess I was feeling that no one was understanding my surgery.  I have gained about 50 lbs. from my lowest weight.  I would probably have to go to Toronto for a endoscopy.  I'm curious if my pouch is stretched.  I know in my heart that it is probably not but sometimes I miss that excitement that goes along with weight loss.

I have lost 10 lbs over the last month so I do know what I have to do but I'm still curious to find out if my pouch is nice a healthy.  

Karen M.
on 6/26/14 7:55 pm - Mississauga, Canada

You've made a great start on getting back to business with your health - you've already managed to lose 10 pounds in the last month AND you've come back here for support! Good for you. Join us on the "what are you eating/doing today" thread for nutritional support - we have long-time vets in maintenance, those still losing, those trying to get back to basics and wonderful newbie post-ops and pre-ops. We're here to help!

Back to basics and being mindful - good luck :)




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