Optifast Hell

on 6/22/14 9:45 pm - Ottawa, Canada

I'm just starting my 2nd week of Optifast and I am not doing well with it.  No matter what I do, I can not find a way to make it palatable.  I've tried sugar-free syrups, ice, coffee, extracts, everything ... and I'm almost in tears trying to get it down.  I've gagged and thrown it up twice already.  Most of the time I manage to keep it down but it's a fight.  I don't do well with sweet stuff at the best of times, but having to live off of sweet, horrible-tasting stuff is just ... ugh.  I cheated with some iceberg lettuce on Saturday.

Sorry for whining.  I'm so tired and feeling frustrated and, yeah, a little defeated.

on 6/22/14 10:18 pm - Ottawa, Canada

You could try phoning your centre and very calmly and rationally explain what is happening. 

They may be able to help because I'm sure you aren't the first person to have ever had this issue.  Now, if you've already done that and they told you to "suck it up" well, I'm so sorry that they were unhelpful and that I don't have any bright ideas.


on 6/22/14 11:08 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Thanks for replying Myndy.  I did try making it thicker - sadly it didn't help.  The "easiest" way for me to get it down is to chug it as fast as I can.  Thicker makes it a much slower process and I can only manage 1/3 of it like that.

I might try calling but I don't want to be a pain in the a** to the team as I know they are stupidly busy as is.

I just needed to vent a bit.  Thanks for listening.

on 6/22/14 10:45 pm

Have you tried making it into pudding?  I think you just add less water - 1/4 cup or 3 oz.  will taste the same but there will be less of it.


also somewhere online there is a recipe to make it into a cake consistency.  An inventive person did this when they were on Opti for their Birthday.  Maybe you can find it searching the net.


i start Wednesday and am really starting to dread this phase of the journey.

on 6/22/14 11:11 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Good luck with the Optifast!  There are lots of people who don't mind it at all.  I really hope you're one of them!

on 6/22/14 11:05 pm - Arnprior, Canada

Have you tried playing with the amount of water? I used to need 12 oz of really cold water (didn't have access to ice most of the time), no more no less.  Or using a straw so that you don't have to smell it (it works, trust me)?  What flavour did you get?



on 6/22/14 11:10 pm - Ottawa, Canada

Hi Cathy;

I had to make due with vanilla as they didn't have any chocolate on-hand.  That's okay as I'm not a fan of chocolate.  Turns out I'm not a fan of vanilla either (at least this version of it).  I've tried thinning it way out but there was just more of it to get through!  There's something in the aftertaste that just does me in.  I've got a weird palate apparently.  Thanks for the straw suggestions - I'll definitely give it a try.


on 6/22/14 11:44 pm - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 02/03/14

Hello Tes,

Have you tried making it with Mio drops or Crystal Light?  I lived on those - berry for the mio and strawberry-kiwi, and mandarin.  Make sure you use a lidded cup with a straw, makes it easier to get down.  Good luck, only one more week to go and then get ready for your life to change - crazy but well worth it.


Orientation March 13, 2013 / Social Worker June 11 / Nurse Practitioner July 10 / Nutrition class, Blood, ECG Aug. 20 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Penner Sept. 20 / CT Scan Oct. 10 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Urbach Oct. 18 / Psychologist Oct. 30 / Nutritionist Oct. 30 / Dr. Urbach Dec. 13 / PAATS Jan. 24 / Surgery February 3, 2014    


on 6/22/14 11:51 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 06/25/12

The vanilla Opti is the worst. I feel your pain. My top Opti tips are make sure it is ice cold (makes a huge difference) but also, get one of those lidded cups with a straw. That's a little tip I picked up right here. As you drink, you can't smell it and that stuff smells much worse than it actually tastes. Seems simple but it makes a difference. Pick one up today and see if it helps.

Hang in there. It sucks but you can do it!


Keeping off 133 lbs since 2012!

Referral to Bariatric Registry: May 2011   /   Surgery (HRRH): June 25, 2012         

on 6/23/14 12:06 am

 I found a recipe online for Optifast cookies - the only substantial addition is the egg whites.  I can't imagine that would affect ketosis given its all protein but you could check with your center.  We were told we were allowed unlimited sugar-free drinks so the Splenda should be ok too.

OptiFast Cookies

¼ cup egg whites (1 large egg)
1 package Optifast shake mix
¼ tsp. cream of tartar
¼ cup Splenda
1 tsp. pumpkin spice
Pam nonstick spray

Preheat oven to 350º F. Place egg whites in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Beat on high speed with an electric mixer or using a whis****il frothy. Add cream of tartar, splenda, and pumpkin spice. Beat on high speed until slightly stiff peaks form. Mix in Optifast shake powder. Spray pam over cookie sheet. Spoon onto cookie sheet using teaspoon and bake for 15 minutes. Makes 1 dozen cookies.
Egg whites add 30 calories, 1 carbohydrate, and 6 grams protein to the Optifast mix.


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