What are you eating/doing today? (Saturday)

on 6/20/14 8:58 pm - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

1 year post op

Steps 17548


Good morning,

Thank you all for the kind words and support yesterday. It was tough but got through it. And now, on to bigger and better things!

Barb, I hope it's just a cold and you feel better soon.


Today will be alittle busy, DH called yesterday to tell me he won't be home until next Friday as the have to work this weekend...that sucks! Today I will start some major cleaning and purging of stuff we are not using. Grocery shopping, dog walks and late lunch/early dinner with the girls from work (maybe a glass of wine is in order today)

Will also finish up the resume and start kinda looking for a new job!

What is everyone else up to today??


B- protein coffee, 1/3 cup ff cottage cheese, 1 slice Weigh****cher ww toast w/ tsp peanut butter

S- babybel and a few grapes

S#2- 1 oz chicken breast, 2 cucumber spears

L/D- Shrimp stirfry no rice, will eat 1/3 and bring the rest home, 4 oz white white of some kind

S- more shrimp stirfry


Be well everyone,








on 6/20/14 9:40 pm

RNY  5 Years 2 Months Post Op


Morning Tanya

Glad you got thru yesterday....and tough that your husband wont be home....I hope you take a few weeks just to yourself to figure out your next move.....your eats look good too.....


STEPS - 12,090


B - 2 large mugs of coffee

     Premier protein shake


L - 1.5 cups of sweet kale salad

    6 oz leftover maple salmon


D - 1 cup of tomato/pepper/onion/feta salad

      4 oz grilled chicken


S - 2 popsicles

     1 source dessert yogurt


MYFITNESSPAL totals for the above menu are:  Calories - 1,090,  Carbs - 84 Grams,  Fat - 38 Grams,  Protein - 98 Grams


All water....vits....more decaf coffee

Have  a great one  








on 6/21/14 10:40 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Thank you Barb.







on 6/20/14 10:19 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Good morning all,

Hope you have a nice lunch today Tanya. Busy day today. Off shortly for a walk with the dog. Need to pick up some things while we are out. I am off to a baby shower today. I have not been looking forward to this. It is being held by my son's girlfriend for her cousin. Since my son and his girlfriend live together she wants to include me in her family events. I do not enjoy situations where I do not know people. It tends to make me anxious. So I am psyching myself up for this. It starts with the will I wear an appropriate outfit, did I buy the right gift, will I remember names. His girlfriend suggested I have some wine but that is not going to happen. It is over an hour away by car. I can not drink and drive even with only one. It just hits me too hard. So I have left calories for this afternoon since I have no idea what I will eat.

b greek yogurt, granola, blueberries, toast

l pure protein bar, yogurt

s ?

d chicken, squash, salad

I forgot my fitbit yesterday so must remember it today

cal 678, carb 66.3, prot 69.9





on 6/20/14 10:31 pm

I hate showers Pat....and I really dislike giving up my Saturday or Sunday to go.....and you don't know this person....I really feel for you....you are trapped into it!....hopefully you sit by someone you can have a conversation with.....and I totally agree with you in not having a glass of wine.....white wine especially hits me hard.....

I hope you can escape shortly after the food is served.....







on 6/21/14 1:03 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Thanks. It is definitely taking up my whole day. Just came back from my walk whi*****luded buying a new top and a bag for the gift. Since it is almost an hour away I nee to leave by shortly after 12:00





Karen M.
on 6/21/14 4:57 am - Mississauga, Canada

I hate them too. Nothing I hate more than having to sit in a room with a bunch of people I don't know (other than work and support group stuff, surprisingly I find that enjoyable and very easy) and buy a gift that I feel has no meaning at all, forced.

Barb, if you're "passing through" my way sometime, please let me know. I'll treat for lunch. :)



Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

Karen M.
on 6/21/14 4:37 am - Mississauga, Canada

Afternoon all,

Tanya I'm so glad to hear you made it through yesterday okay - it sounds like you're grounded and focused and I'm proud of you. What you're going through is hard. You can do hard things.

Had terrible news yesterday - my friend's 20 year old daughter was found dead in a pool. Sorry to be so blunt, but I don't know how to make it pretty. And I learned of Joy's death today and quite frankly, I just feel a little lost. I get focused on my own life sometimes and when others' lives come crashing in I'm at a loss to know how to do anything other than try to be a good friend. Onward and upward.

Going to a party shortly with Andrew - our friend has an annual pig roast and it's always a blast. Hope to go swimming, as she has a pool! Then I second guess myself that I look fat in my bathing suit. HAHAHA What an idiot I can be, how to you make 120 pounds look fat, seriously??

8 years post-op

B - coffee with cream x 3, iogo 0%

S - seems I missed it - oops

L - leftover piece of thin crust pizza

S - veggies and dip, cheese and crackers, bringing a protein iced coffee with me

D - roasted pork, quinoa salad that I made, cob of corn (I'm guessing, but it's likely accurate)

Have a good day friends,




Ontario Recipes Forum - http://www.obesityhelp.com/group/ontario_recipes/

on 6/21/14 9:20 am - London, Canada
RNY on 05/31/13

Thank you Karen, that means alot to me coming from you. I value your opinion and advice.

I am sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers to you and the family.







on 6/21/14 10:07 am - Canada

Morning wake up to a sick husband Yeap he has it now. But I seem to be ok knock on wood and cross fingers and toes.

B- Optifast Chocolate, and large cup of chicken broth

Looked after hubby got him back to bed, ran to store and bought 2 lbs of chicken broth stock and 2 medium size bottles of gingerrale

Small business errand

L- Optifast, choclate and 2 cups of chicken broth

nap for an hour

Computer messages and phone message

D- Optifast and 1 cup of chicken broth

Bedtime will be Optifast and 2 cups warm chicken broth

I may be able to help you if and or when you need somethng for your events but will not do a sales speel here, please if you would like to know just private message or friend me.

 I all ready consider many of you friends even if it is just here on the boards.

Enjoy the great weather it is stunning gorgeous out today.



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