Chicken out in 2012...Found some courage today!

on 6/18/14 1:06 pm - Canada
Hello everyone! I never even made it to orientation before a chickened out in 2012. But today I asked my pcp to send a referral back into the registry for me. I scared myself silly last time by focusing on the negatives/complications etc. Today I am almost 20lbs heavier then when I first talked to a surgeon in 2012. I am frustrated, but most importantly I feel ready for this life changing/giving tool. I hope I find the courage to move through the process this time. I am suffering terribly with sciatica low back pain and hyperhidrosis. All my aches and pains and lack of energy are obesity related. I have had every scope and test done looking for medical reason other than obesity, but thankfully all test tell the Dr is just how healthy I am. I was never afraid of diabetes before and I still am not. But I have been having nightmares lately that I would be even heavier and in need of wheel chair. Its my back and leg pain that has gotten back to the beginning...

5 yrs of research Starting for the second time...Referral Sept 28/17. Orientation Guelph Sept 28/17. Nurse Oct 10/17. Dietician & Social worker Nov. 21/17

on 6/18/14 1:12 pm

You've got this! :) Good luck to you.

Onward and

on 6/18/14 1:13 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Deb, I was nervous too, and really scared just before surgery. But it's the best thing I ever did for myself. It's such a life-changing thing, and I mean that in a good way. So glad I went through with it!

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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on 6/18/14 1:14 pm - Kitchener, Canada
RNY on 05/22/14

Hey, it's a huge step to go through this process, so kudos to you for coming back to it! It isn't an easy way out, it is hard and requires lots of dedication. With all surgeries there are success, and failure stories. I get being scared, I was too. Are you more scared of this process, or what will happen to you if you don't have it done. That's probably the big question for you. I'm 30, and had the surgery a month ago. It was very tough for me. But being this age, and been over 300lbs for the past however many was time for me to suck it up and bust my ass to fix me. you're not alone with being nervous! 

on 6/18/14 1:40 pm - Canada
Hi at this point am more afraid of what my life will be like if I don't have the surgery. I am in my 44th year and can't imagine the pain I have been in getting worse. I work in retail/customer service and on my feet at this time a can only handle part time hours. I am going to trust the process this time however long it may be. And focus on life style changes like giving up caffeine, alcohol and diet pops. The hardest I think will be the coffee for me.
on 6/18/14 11:36 pm - Toronto, Canada

I chickened out once too. Lost 50 pounds on my own, and put it back on and then some (for about the 100th time). So, I reapplied in November 2009, and had my surgery March, 2011. Very glad I did. You'll do great!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

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